1. Fokuko

567 38 7

This book is part of a series!
This is the second book followed after the original of "The Grand King and Queen"
I would say it's kinda necessary to read that one first but not all that much!
Please enjoy :)



You sighed.

Catching the ball you were bouncing as you lift it up in front of you.

You looked across the court, an arrangement of scared and intimidated first years looking back at you.

You looked away.

Throwing up the ball as you followed after it.

You planted your feet, jumping up as you cranked your arm back, releasing it once you reached the apex of your jump.

You slammed your hand against the ball, sending it flying to the other side of the court as the first year who should've received it stepped out of the way with a shriek.

You raised a brow at her, the whistle blowing soon after as you looked to the side to see an angry Kojima storming up to you.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not use your full strength on the first years?!" He called out, his voice filled with rage as you softly nodded.

You bowed, Kojima taken aback at your actions as you began to apologize.

"My bad Kojima-san. I'll be more careful going forward."

He hummed, stepping back as they called a time out.

You sighed once more, stepping back to the bench as you slumped down against the wall behind it.

It had been a week since Tooru left Japan.

About a week and a half since the new year school year started.

And two weeks since they graduated.

They being your brother and his friends, and basically your entire circle of friends in Shiratorizawa.

Mori moved to Tokyo for university.

Okada moved to Osaka for university.

Ushijima stayed in Miyagi, but has been traveling around for tryouts and informationals with different clubs.

Tendou moved to Osaka to attend a culinary school.

Reon moved to Tokyo for university.

Yamagata moved to Kyoto for university.

Semi attended university in Sendai, so he wasn't far, but was always busy commuting.

The only people left were Shirabu and Kawanishi from the guys, and Kaneko and Sasaki from the girls.

Though you only really saw Sasaki during practice because she was always off doing homework.

Unlike Kawanishi, who was also in her class.

How does he pass his classes...

You shrugged off the thought when you looked over to see the coaches approaching you all.

"We're going to end joint practice right here, you all can go ahead, we still have some things to go over with the first years."

You hummed, a string of "yes" being heard right after as everyone began to pick up.

You picked up your water bottle, pushing yourself up with a sigh as you began walking to the locker room.


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