chapter eleven | welcome home

Start from the beginning

From the sound of it, they just mutually agreed to a break.

They probably just needed some time to think things over, it was never really specified. She was sure that they'd get back together soon, they were so perfect for each other. Everyone knew that.

"Anyway, that's the story. Sure, it hurt but I have confidence that we'll make our way back to each other." Mindy spoke with a hopeful tone. In other news, Quinn should be coming back tomorrow so the whole group would be together again to hang out. That's what Chad told her anyway.

Halfway through the topic change of conversation, Y/n had stood up from the table and walked toward the drink machine to get a refill, Tara followed her. While she refilled her drink, Y/n and Tara would glance at each other and smile. It was a smile full of happiness and love. The same emotions that they felt when they were near each other. They needed a date night soon.

Maybe they could have one tonight, it would be a nice surprise for Tara.

"How's your sister been?" Y/n questioned before she took a sip of her once again full drink. She hasn't chatted with Sam recently since the airport when they went their separate ways, an update on the family was long overdue. "Is she still with that guy?"

Tara thought about it for a second and then she shrugged. "You know, know that you mention it I'm not sure." She replied and then they made their way back to their table. "She hadn't mentioned him or anything recently. They haven't talked to each other much either."

Wow, potentially two breakups in a month? There couldn't be any more...right?

"Is she okay? I know she liked the guy."

"I think so, she never seemed upset about it or anything."

She replied with a nod and then they returned to the table to find Chad and Mindy talking about changing majors. The couple quickly sat down to join in the conversation, both of them thinking the same thing but also considering keeping the one they have now.

After paying for their food, the group of 4 had left the restaurant to make their way back to campus for class. Y/n couldn't help but think of the breakups happening around her and wonder if her relationship with Tara would soon have the same outcome, she hoped it never came down to that. She loved Tara.

The one thing that could ruin this perfect relationship couldn't get out. Sure, it happened a year ago but if anyone found out without her knowledge, it could get back to Tara and she would never want to speak to her again.

She didn't want that to happen at all.

Y/n had just arrived at Tara and Sam's apartment, a pizza, and movies in hand. Although she thought about taking Tara out to a restaurant for a date, she felt it would be better to stay in tonight and go out another day. She also brought her Apple tv box in case they wanted to watch Dickinson.

One of her favorite shows.

Sam let her in with a smile and a greeting. They had a generic catch-up conversation and the topic of Danny Brackett came up, Sam's new ex-boyfriend. From the sounds of it, it was under the same circumstances as Anika and Mindy.

"I know you're here for Tara, she's in her room." Sam pointed out before she went into further detail about the end of her relationship. "You two have fun." She grinned and then made her way into the kitchen.

Y/n had made her way down the hall to the younger Carpenter sister's room, the sound of a tv coming from inside. What could she be watching?

She opened the door and walked inside for Tara to spot her with a smile. Y/n smiled back and sat everything on the bed before leaning over a bit to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek. "What are you doing here? I wasn't made aware of a date night." She spoke with a happy tone mixed with shock, that's what she was going for. It stayed a surprise and that's exactly how she wanted it to be.

It was more special that way.

"That's the point, I wanted it to be a surprise for you," Y/n explained and then went to hook up the apple tv box, leaving the remote on the bed. "Since we've had some time apart because of our summer break, I felt like this would be a great way to start hanging out and stuff again."

Tara smiled at Y/n's explanation, no one's ever done that for her before. "That's sweet." She responded happily before opening the box of pizza and taking a slice. "Why'd you bring movies and the apple tv if we have streaming services?"

"Most streaming services don't have all the movies in the world believe it or not."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's see what you got." She finished her slice of pizza and then began looking at the movies Y/n had brought over, trying to find out which one sounded the most interesting to her. So far, Final Destination was taking the lead. "I want to watch this one." She handed Y/n the movie of choice.

"Final Destination, alright we'll try it."

She put in the movie before sitting on the bed next to her girlfriend. They watched the horror with the lights out, it was the perfect thing to set the mood. That's what the rest of the day looked like for them, food and movies with the breaks to watch the show, Dickinson. Tara seemed to enjoy it which made Y/n happy.

Although the excitement of college was gone, they had each other and that was all they needed.

brooke speaks!

and that's the start of act
two! i hope you enjoy, this
will definitely be one of my
favorite acts to write! hoping
for no mistakes!

𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 , 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now