Down Under

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If you where to tell Eri that she would be attending the same school her brother did when he was a kid, she would have laughed right in your face. But now that wasn't the case anymore.

"You've got to be fucking kidding right? There's no chance you're going to have me stay here right?" Eri asked with panic in her voice to the man standing behind her.

"You assaulted one of the top ten pro hero's, and another in the top 25. Not to mention you also went after me. Do you really think after pulling some shit like that your just going to be able to get off scott free?" Bakugo asked with an annoyed tone.

"Ya I expected some jail time but I'm a minor! I thought it would be a slap on the wrist and maybe some probations!"

"Eri you are the protege of one of the most wanted and feared men in the history of Japan. Regardless of your age you will be treated as a threat on par with Midoriya." Ilda said as he opened up his laptop and started typing away.

"Wait what? That's complete bullshit!" Eri yelled.

"It's not and you know it kid. You don't understand the magnitude of the situation you're in. Be grateful that damn deku pulled some bullshit strings." Bakugou let out quietly.

At the mention of her brothers name, Eri's ears perked up.

"What did you say about my brother?"

Bakugo ignored her and nodded to Ilda who stood up from his desk and walked across the room.

"Follow me." The man said as he walked over to the wall and put a code into a touch pad.

As he finished entering the code, the wall slid back open to reveal the elevator they had rode in before. Iida motioned for the two to join him causing Bakugo to yank Eri out of the seat and push her into the elevator.

"Where are you taking me? Give me some fucking answers please!" Eri pleaded only to be met with deaf ears.

The elevator slowly lowered down further and further. Eri felt like she had been in there forever until the doors opened up to reveal a long bright concrete hallway. The trio made their way out of the elevator and down the hallway. As the walked Eri noticed how doors with large glass windows lined each side. The insides where empty though.

"Where is everyone?" Eri asked as they stopped in front of a door which Ilda unlocked.

"This will be your room for the time being. We are currently in the works of finding something more suitable for everyone but due to everyone's track records, this is the safest place we have." Ilda responded as he finished unlocking the door.

Bakugo shoved Eri inside the room and instantly the door was slammed shut behind her. She quickly snapped the handcuffs on her hands and pounded on the door attempting to escape.

"LET ME OUT." Eri screamed as blood started to break through her knuckles.

"Oi knock that shit off and take this." Bakugo said calmly as he handed her a cellphone.

Eri hesitantly took the device and held it up to her ear.


"Eri honey are you ok? What happened last night?" A worded voice asked.

Eri quickly felt relieved as the familiar voice of her mother hit her ears.

"Mom help me. I'm so scarred." The girl said borderline on the verge of tears.

"It's ok Eri. Katsuki is going to take care of you and help you out. He already informed me of the situation."

"Wait what? You know I'm being held here against my will? What the fuck mom!" Eri yelled as she felt her blood starting to boil.

"Dear listen to me. You are in the one place that can give you an unmatched education and training. I don't want you to end up dead like your brother. Please just do it for me and let them help you." Inko let out as she failed miserably to stop herself from crying.

Eri was at a loss for words. For the first time in her life she had no idea what to do. Since the day Izuku freed her from overhaul she wanted to be just like him. And now she was getting told by her adoptive mother to not follow in her mentors footsteps.

Eri couldn't take it anymore and hung up the phone and slid it back to bakugo.

"We only want what's best for you kid. You may not understand it now but someday you will and when that day comes, you'll have deku to thank for it." The hero said calmly as he took his phone back and put it into his pocket.

"Just leave me alone." Eri whispered.

The two adults nodded to each other and made their way out of the room, leaving Eri all by herself. It seemed like hours passed for her before anything happened. She was just laying in her bed when she heard a door slide open followed by the voices of an unknown group.

"Dude I can't believe you messed up Maiko that badly. He was on a roll, there should have been no way that you beat him." A male voice laughed.

"Who gives a fuck if he was on a roll? It's pointless in the end if he can't finish the job before his luck runs out." Another boy responded annoyingly.

"Ya but even so, you did go pretty hard on him Sho. The nurse is gonna be mad at you Yuu for not healing him." A girl chimed in.

"It's not my job to heal Maiko whenever he gets his ass handed to him. The staff are more then capable of doing their literal fucking jobs."

Eri jumped off her bed and peeped out her glass wall to get a look at the approaching voices. There was 4 people in total. The lead man had short pink hair, was a little taller then Eri, and had decent size build.

Behind him was a girl who was relative in height to Eri. Her hair was a dark scarlet color that reached down to her mid back and her piercing eyes shared the same intimidating color.

Next to the girl was a boy with a huge shit eating grin on his face. He radiated confidence as he threw his arm around the girl easily due to his height, only to catch a solid jab to the face and pull his arm away. His light green hair reminded her of her brothers only if it was a little lighter.

Then there was the last boy in the group. He stood slightly taller then the rest of the group with his hands in his pockets. His long messy white hair covered much of his face leaving only the lower part seeable.

"Alright everyone, get back in your rooms before you cause any more problems." A man boomed as he made his way into the hallway.

The group trudged their way into their own rooms leaving Eri looking at the back of the white haired boy who's room was across from hers. The boy made his way over to his desk and picked up a hair band which he used to push the hair out of his face.

Feeling a set of eyes on him, the boy turned around and met Eri's gaze causing the girl to almost lose her breath. As he turned she noticed two tattoos, one on each side of the boys head located behind his ears. But sadly she couldn't tell what they where of. But the tattoos wasn't what really caused Eri to falter, it was his eyes.

His eyes were amazing, each part of them was a different color. As she searched his face she felt a sudden feeling of dread rush over her as a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"And who might you be?"

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