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𝙅𝘼𝙉𝙀𝙇𝙇𝙀 sat on the resort balcony back in Ghana where she would spend a solocation. After the strong sexual moment her and Nehemiah had shared, the pair figured that it would be much needed to have space so they wouldn't jeporadise their celibacy.

The couple still managed to call on a daily basis and include for Bible studies into their schedule. The two felt as if they were prioritising worldy desires rather than allowing God to be in the center so space was very much needed so they can rediscover themself within the Lord.

Nehemiah was currently travelling to New Orleans to play against the New Orlean Saints meaning that Janelle would have to watch the game from abroad for the first time ever.


Nehemiah stood in the football tunnel , where all players would emerge from, where he was on the phone with Janelle ready to pray over Nehemiah's health and well-being for the game.

"Father Lord, we pray that you can cover Nehemiah with the blood of Jesus as he is getting ready to play a game, we pray that on that field, he manages to perform at the best of his abilities and if there is any weapon formed against him or any other player on that field, we rebuke it as it shall not prosper in Jesus mighty name, Amen." Janelle concluded kissing their matching cross necklace as he did the same.

They spoke for a little more before coach had come to inform him that they would soon be making an appearance on the field. Nehemiah quickly set his phone into his locker and made sure it was completely locked before making his way back into the tunnel where he saw the opposing team.

Standing in line, Nehemiah mumbled words of encouragement to himself and repeated the Holy trinity. Very soon after the players ran onto the field where the team mascots were cheering and the game commenced.


Janelle sat on the end of her resort bed in anxiousness, watching Nehemjah run down the sidelines. Her hands were intertwined together once she saw a large opponent run up to Nehemiah and tackle him harshly onto the floor.

Janelle cheered a little knowing he gained additional yards for the Stallions but heat quickly overcame her body noticing that medical staff began to sprint onto the field. She stood up and rushed to her phone calling the coach who quickly who appeared to answer the call as shown on the TV.

All of the Stallions proceeded to use their bodys to shield Nehemiah's injured body from the fans and live TV, "Coach, what happened? Is he ok? Is it an ACL tear? Please let me know if he will be fine." Janelle choked on her sobs to avoid crying whilst she started to pack her belongings into her suitcase quickly booking the first plane ticket back home.

"Janelle, it's really not looking good.." Coach whispered, Janelle's sobs grew louder as her heart pounded through her chest so violently that she could hear the beats through her ears. "Please let him be okay Paul, he needs to be okay for me, for his mom, his family. Please I need him." She choked.

"Janelle, their struggling to find a pulse..."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐘Where stories live. Discover now