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Toni sat up using her phone at night,from her room she could hear her parents quarrelling --- that was the least of her problems . From now on,she would concentrate on her life. She would make sure the domestic pressure doesn't affect her in anyway. And she would concentrate on Fola. He was really bothering her. Since he collected her number the only thing he had said to her was that they would see in school,no other discussion. She tried calling him thrice but he ignored the call. She was really worried. Or maybe he wasn't a conversational type. Maybe he liked his space or something . Toni could not point out . But she was excited to see him the next day at school. Or probably he had a surprise for her! One wouldn't just conclude.
That night, Toni slept with a smile and hope. Hope of being one day, Fola's girlfriend. She couldn't wait for the next day.
The next day came with her mother waking her up . Toni was angry with her mother for waking her from the sweetest dream she was having where Fola was saying all sort of sweet, romantic words ,like the one in her novels. Those words that could melt even a stone hearted person. They were so coaxing. But she had to wake up.
Her anger soon waned off when she remembered that she was going to see Fola. There was nothing compared to the excitement and happiness she felt. Something she hadn't felt in years,in years since when her parents started having issues and constantly quarrelling.
Toni dressed up quickly and couldn't wait to get to school.
Due to her hastiness,she got to school before assembly expectant to meet Fola. Soon class started then it was lunch period. Toni went in search of Fola excitedly. Finally she met him with his friends at the front of the boy's toilet chatting. She went to him.
"Hi, you said you wanted to see me?", she said.
Fola raised his eyebrow,"when?"
Toni 's mouth fell agape."you-- you chatted me up ---"
Fola's friends began to laugh at her .
"What sort of a dummy are you?",they remarked.
Toni licked her dry lips and looked around, they were some girls opposite them scowling at her and insulting her.
Toni looked at Fola," can't you remember chatting---- "
"I think there's a mistake somewhere", Fola interrupted.
His friends began to shoo her away.
"Please go we have something important to talk about", one of his friends said.
"More important than you are", another remarked.
"Moreover he has a girlfriend who is more classy.He can't stoop so low to have anything to do with you".
Toni chewed her lips and stared at Fola to see his reaction but his face said the same like his friends,' go away, your interrupting our talk'.
She left with her eyes full with tears. This was worth killing oneself.

She spent the rest of the day crying at the backyard of the school which was always empty.  She missed all classes after that lunch period.She was really hurt. What Fola did to her was a profound shock to her. She still couldn't believe it. The more she thought about it, the more she felt the pain. Like a dagger piercing through her. She didn't think she'll ever forget this incident. She would never forget. Never.
The bell rang for the closing of the day. Toni stood up from where she was sitting on the grass to go. As she turned she met Fola standing on her way alone with his school bag strapped on his left shoulder. Toni blinked again to make sure she was correct about what she was seeing. It had to be her imagination. She was known for imagining things and creating events in her head that would never happen.
She used her knuckles to rub her eyes to make sure she was seeing correctly.
"Let's go",Fola said .
Toni didn't know what to do or say. So it was real! He came for her! This looks like it was happening in one of her novels! Was this really happening to her! This was incredible ---- no, this is marvellous!!.
She swallowed the lump in her throat and smiled. Today wasn't going to end bad anyway.

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