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Love, I haven't asked you pala kanina. Are you here for me or may schedule ka rin here?

Would it be alright to say na I'm here for you, and arranged a schedule so it wouldn't be too obvious?

Yes, definite alright.

Sorry we don't have much time to be together.

And it's totally okay, to be honest. I needed to rest from my jet lag din, my head hurts.

You didn't tell me. Dapat I let you sleep nalang agad kanina.

And waste time to have moments with you?

Seeing you is more than enough. I could watch you sleep and achieve rest at the same time.

Excuse me did that mean you haven't rest much kanina with a wide-awake me?

Pero it wouldn't be enough for me, sayang ang hug.

Wasn't really that much of a rest hahahaha

My heart was beating too fast, I was excited and restless. I feel so energetic seeing you.

Pero that's true, sayang din ang kiss hahaha

To be honest, I feel cheated. Hugs ang what you gave me agad, tapos we cuddle pero you keep pecking kiss sa akin!!

What if ulit then ako na magkiss, love hehe

Sure, love. Hindi pwedeng not balance, we need to have an equal shares about what we give and we receive.

That's true. Preach.

Additional kiss for me para sa mga educated baby.

Hmm, is it allowed to have request ba for that reward?

Ay, dapat you have coupon for that. We don't give for nothing, eh.

Oh, I thought I had it as a freebie. My bad.

Ah, that's for boyfriend only, eh. Expired na yung yours.

Hahahaha, damn.

I need to work hard to get another, then.

Yung pang lifetime na next time.

For the lifetime coupon, you have the whole Bracequinn Fall, unlimited support for your whole career as the natural benefit.

You need to unlock to have the freebies, pero for sure you would never be lugi.

I know, having the whole Bracequinn is too much already.

Once in a lifetime, full of blessings and luck talaga ang makakakuha nyan.

Oh, why do you think so?

Of course, I do agree with that. You would never fail in life if you have Bracequinn as your partner.

Special mention: Axiel Wave Eireisse.


There would a tough competition to have her though. The world screams for her, eh.

I think, she doesn't care about that.

So I was  thinking, I should pay for my whole, then. My body, my commitment and every materialistic things I own, I would give it to her. Even my soul.

Pero I think it wouldn't be enough.

Why would you think so? Maybe that would be more than enough for her.

I don't think so, she means the whole universe so how can this life of mine me more than enough? 

So I should gave this life of mine to hers this life, and to the next life, and next next life, too.

Sakanya lang ako.

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