Chapter 4

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==Your POV==

"You earned your name, bro. But I don't expect anything less from my rival." said the box and they it started to shine and it exploded leaving three little guys in the colorful smoke coughing. They looked up at Naruto and then introduced themselves like in the animes. 'Cute' I thought. "I knew that it was you. Huh? And what are these glasses? Some kind of new fashion?" Konohamaru smiled and replied "We're following your fashion, bro! Aren't you happy?" naruto was standing still, hand behind his head "Uhmm..." The small child was a bit frustrated by his answer "What do you mean by 'uhmm'? I know that you have been avoiding us for a while now!" Naruto was still unfazed by the situation "And what do you guys want from me?" Maru put his arm around Udon's neck "Do you see it? He's estranged." Moegi decided to enter the conversation "Hey grand leader, do you have time to play with us?" Naruto wore a sly smirk and with his bright smile he pointed at himself and said "I need to go training, sorry" the three children of Konoha was disappointed. I was just standing there and watching what was going to happen. Maru gave sound to his feeling "But you promised that you will play ninja with us!" The blond boy just scratched the back of his head "Heehee, I really did promise" and then put on a strange face. I don't know what's wrong with playing ninjas. I would happily play ninjas instead of training. I get it that it's important to improve your skills and all, but a little bit of fun didn't hurt anyone. Yet. 

"A ninja playing ninja. Very original" Bitch, just because you were faced with the truth doesn't mean that you need to be a grumpy grandpa. She wobbled near us and and stared at Naruto and the kids. Poor Naro was very emberassed "Uhmmmm, do you need something?" He then started to laugh nervously with a hint of blush on his face. 'I think I will be spared from a trauma if I go now' I started walking away but the sound of the grandson of the Hokage stopped me "Hey bro, who's this chick?" I turned back but quickly realized that he wasn't talking about me. 'Well, I'm not really interesting anyway. But I'm not really surprised that they didn't notice me. Or do they just don't care? I should not overthink this. I'm off' and with that I teleported away into my favorite spot in the forest. It was quiet nice being here. There was a small lake with frogs in it and was surrounded by rocks. I sat on top of the biggest one and listened to the music of the wild. 

After a while I felt that something was not quiet right so I teleported somewhere behind Naruto. What I could see was a cat holding up Maru by his scarf. 'No! Bad kitty! You put him down!' I walked silently behind Naro "What's going on?" He jumped out of his skin and told me in a nutshell what was going on. I instantly turned to the cat "Bad kitty! Put him down!" he didn't like it a bit "What did you say?!" I decided to be a dick for a while because I can "Oh, I thought cats have goo hearing. But who am i to judge. I said bad kitty, put him down!" He was angry at this point "You're getting on my nerves!" "I don't think I can, a nerve is very thin it would just break under my weigh." "You little-" "I mean, I AM little. What is NOT little is your ego" he dropped Maru and came to get me but I just made some hand signs very fast and made him burn from the inside. 'Bitch. Wait, no. That's a dog. Fucking feline. Yep, much better.' I was enjoying his screams a bit until I realized that  I was the only one that liked them. I made a dismissing motion and his pain was gone. His short suffering was enough for me to go on my non-friendly side. "Please, don't cause any more disturbance in our village. This interaction was displeasing for every one of us. Next time you decide to upset order in our home I will be the only one who will be enjoying the meeting." 

He was pissed and took off the thing from his back. His girl teammate protested against it, but he didn't seem to listen to her. "Kankuro, cut it off" said a mysterious voice from the tree. The owner of the voice was standing upside down a tree branch. 'Cool' upon seeing him the cat seemed scared "Ga-Gaara, I-I-" "You're bringing shame to Sunagakure." The red head looked at me with a side eye 'Bro, don't give me the side eye. I will side eye you back.' and I did. "L-Listen here Gaara. I-It's not what it looks like. They started it" "Shut up. Or I'll kill you" I raised an eyebrow "That's a strange way to get things in order within your team, but I like you. And your attitude. I'm in a strange mood so you're my friend now and we're gonna have some ramen later. Or do you like sushi better? Anything is fine by me." he just stared at me before finally replying "I don't need friends" "I don't need Pinky right over there either but here we are." He teleported down in front of his teammates. "I apologize on his behalf" Yesssss, that means that we are friends. "Let's go. We have better thing to do than having fun here" As they started to walk away Sarka had to question literally everything "Wait! I can see that you are ninjas from Sunagakure." 'Yep, Gaara even said it, Sherlock' "Konohagakure and Sunagakure are allies but that doesn't mean that you can come in the village without permission. What are you doing here anyway?" the three of them turned back looking at the pink haired girl "You must be dark if you don't know this. Or did nobody tell it to you?" I summoned a light bulb and gave it to Pinky Pie with the words 'let there be light in your darkness' and she made a dipleased faceand threw it away "We have permission. But are right. We are from Sunagakure. And we are here to participate in the Chunin exams." Naro looked dumbfounded "the Chunin exams? What are those"  couldn't believe my ears. What did I just hear? He's in my top five favorite people but damn, he's as bright as Sassy Child's hair. 

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