Chapter 2

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It was early in the morning, and knowing Shi sensei, he will be late as usual, so I don't need to hurry. I did my morning routine, ate breakfast (oh, you lil rebel...) and as I was ready I stepped out of the house I lived in with my parents. 'I wonder if they know that I am still alive. It wouldn't surprise me either, if they forgot my name. heh. OKay, okay okay. I have no reason to feel sorry for myself, someone has it worse.' I locked the door behind me and started walking toward the the place Shi sensei said we will meet.

Naruto, Sassy and Suka were already there. "You are late." Naruto and Suka said to me. I hung my head down and murmured a "I know Shi sensei better" and sat on the ground pulling my knees to my chest. "Good morning. Can the first day begin?" Shi sensei appeared out of nowhere "YOU ARE LATE!" the two from earlier shouted at him "Sorry, a black cat was in my way, I had to make a detour." he smiled under his mask and pointed to the direction he probably came from. "Shi sensei, if a black cat is passes the road in front of, that means that it's going somewhere, not that you are going to be cursed or something" I spoke accidentally loudly and everyone averted their gaze at me. My body started to shake and I made a weird, groan-like sound.

Shi sensei introduced us to this survival thing, said that we need to come at him like we want to kill him. "wouldn't it be dangerous to use weapons, sensei?" protested Suka. Naruto just laughed "Especially while he fell for my prank " "Clowns are always the weakest link. You're free to ignore them. They are called losers." Shi sensei stated calmly, and I said something that I never thought I would say "Shi sensei, don't be so hard on yourself!" I could see that Shi was annoyed, and that was enough for. 'That's for not even saying hi to me yesterday' I was already proud of myself, but it just got better when Naruto started laugh loudly. Sakra lectured me, but I could see that she liked it too, and even Sassy had a smol smile on his face for a second. I couldn't be more happier.

"When I give a sign, you can attack." Naruto being Naruto couldn't resist himself and attacked him right after he said those words. Shi sensei of course overpowered him. Everyone was shocked except me. I knew what my sensei was capable of. Mostly. "Don't so fast, kid. I didn't say start yet." Naruto groaned, and he finally let go of him. "But your attitude of trying to kill me was perfect. Maybe... it could also be, that I'm starting to like you.  Ready, and go!" Everyone jumped from their spot to somewhere. I was watching from a nearby tree. 'Oh, that stupid Naruto. Why did he stay there?' He started to attack him. I was trying to find a strategy I can use against my sensei, when I saw him doing the tiger sign. I stared at the position, then face palmed. 'Oh, sensei... Please, let me be wrong.' I was not wrong. That poor kid. He was yeeted into the water.

But before that, I heard Sakra yell something to Naruto. I didn't know what it was, but I knew where it did come from. I quickly ran to that place where I heard Sakra yell. "Hey, pink girl! We should pair up and try to defeat him together! Like a team!" I whisper shouted to her "Like hell I will, I can get a bell on my own, thank you very much." Umm, okay, then shit hedgehogs. I'll ask Sassy... Sasa... meh, I ask that rude kid. I just need to find him. I fokused my chakra into my nose and tried to find him by scent. It of course worked,  and I said the same to him I said to Suka "Oi, we should work like a team, it would be faster way to get a bell than fighting against by ourselves. What do you say?" I hoped that he'll be more intelligent than Pinky, but nah. He was not. "I'm not weak. And just because you could memorize a few years' lessons in one year, doesn't mean that you are better than me. Get lost." 

Are you serious right now? Then I'll ask Naruto. And if he says no too, I'll need to fight him by myself. I turned invisible and stayed with Sassy for a bit, 'cause why not. I saw Naruto hanging off of a tree and Shi sensei talking to him. Sassy probably thought that he let his guard down 'cause he threw some shurikens and kunais, but he was very wrong. Hatake Kakashi never lets his guard down. Not even when he's reading that perv book I actually find interesting.  He replaced himself with a log. Sassy immediately searched for a new spot to hide. I teleported myself onto that tree where Naruto was hanging, and cut the robe, but stayed invisible. He was confused at what happened, so I turned off my ninjutsu. "AAH, n/n! you scared the shit outta me! How did you do that?" The best questions. Anyway, here we go... "It doesn't matter right now. I can tell you later about it. But if we work together as a team, we can get a bell for both of us. It would be easier then facing him alone don't you think?" He laughed it off.

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