"Damn bitch, calm down!"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I'm being held prisoner in this hell hole. I've been here for God only knows how long!"

"If you want to know what day or time it is all you ever have to do is ask."He said it so pompously, like he'd had this conversation hundreds of times.

"What day is it?"

"It's Tuesday." Tuesday? I'd been there for three days? Damn, they must have really drugged me after my run in with Brenda the first day. "Can I have a clock and a calendar in here please? A clock that works and an up to date calendar."

"Yes you can. I'll bring them in little while when I bring you your lunch. What would you like to eat?"

"What are the shitty options? Is it like cafeteria food?"

"No, its prepared fresh here for every meal and you can get anything you want."

"I want prepackaged food. I don't want you to be able to drug me."

"Darling, if you listen, we have no reason to drug you. And if we are going to drug you, we'll tell you ahead of time." How could he be so arrogant? 

"Well aren't you noble people. Fine, I'll take a hot ham and cheese hoagie."

"See was that so hard? I'll be back in a little while."


After Jason left I heard him lock the door, but just to be safe, I turned the knob. It was definately locked from the outside. I decided to explore my new world.  There were two doors, each on opposite sides of the room. I decided to check the one on my right. I walked in and not really to my surprise, it was a bathroom. A shower, a bathtub, a sink, a toilet and a cupboard. How fancy, I thought. I decided to check out the other door.

When I opened it I was in awe. Beind the door was a closet, a walk-in closet. There were hundreds of dresses, shirts and bottoms. An entire wall was covered in shoes of all different kinds. I was never really a girly girl, but that was pretty amazing. And then it hit me, these clothes weren't really for me. They were for whatever sick pervert paid enough for my body. I suddenly had chills and felt alone and scared again, like a child. I laid down on the bed and must have eventually fallen asleep.


I woke up to Jason putting a nail in my wall to hang a clock on. He put it up, then put a small calendar with pictures of farm animals on it on a nail beside the clock. He brought me my food and then left. I ate in peace and noted what time he brought me my "lunch" - 10:30am. I didn't know what that meant but I knew it wasn't a good thing. At exactly 11:25am Jason came back in to my room and took my trash. He came back five minutes later and took me by the arm to the hallway. We turned left and walked for a while. When we came to a black door, which I thought was odd because every other door in that place that I had seen was red, he swiped a key card and pushed me inside first. He followed me in and I realized that was the same room I'd been in earlier, only I hadn't realized earlier that the door was black on the outside too.

On the bed there was an already picked out outfit. Black lace bra and panties. Five inch black hooker boots with long silk stockings. 

"Put that on. Your man for today picked you especially, and he bought this for you. Brand new. He'll be in here in 25 minutes. Be dressed and ready to go. Your make-up is in the bathroom along with  a picture of how he wants your hair and face to look. Questions?"

"How long is he going to be here?"

"He prepaid for six hours but he's a regular so if you do a good job, he'll probably pay for six more. But, either way, you listen to him, do exactly what he asks and there will be no consequences or harm done to you."

"What if he wants to choke me, or hit me? What then? My ribs are still bruised!"

"He's not allowed to do any of that. As for your ribs, you took your pills this morning, they were in your food. You don't feel pain do you?" Since he mentioned it, no I didn't feel pain.


"Good. Behave."

I got dressed and then went in the bathroom to try to do my hair and make-up the way that freak wanted. I hardly ever do my hair and my make-up is simple lip gloss. But this guy wanted red lip stick, dark smokey eyes and my hair to be put up in a loose bun. 

As I finished I heard the door open. I went out into the bedroom and saw him. He was at least 40. Maybe six and a half feet tall and had a beer gut showing through his black shirt and a boner showing through his black jeans. Instanty I wanted to throw up. He was disgusting. How could they let him do this? Why would anyone want to?


A/N Thanks for reading so far!!

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