Chapter 16: Internships

Start from the beginning

Izuku: Yeah. If you want to fight me, then come.

Nezu: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! You saw her!

Miruko dropped from the ceiling with a massive grin on her face.

Miruko: I came here to test your strength!

The instant those words left her mouth, there was a huge gust of wind as Izuku appeared in front of her, his fist millimetres away from her face.

Izuku: Is that enough of a showcase?

Izuku pulled his fist away from Miruko's face. He heard a thumping noise. He looked around to find the source of the noise. It was Miruko's foot.

Miruko: I want him as my intern!

Nezu: He has already handed in his form with your name on it.

Miruko: Yay!

Izuku just waved to the two and walked out. He heard the bell for lunch go. He walked out to the lunch area and got his food. He sat down at his table with his group.

Shoto: So, an internship with Miruko. Sounds like a painful time.

Izuku: Yeah, I've met her in the field once. I'll message you guys everyday to give you updates on what's happening.

Katsumi: Sounds like a great idea!

-Time skip, Start of internships (Monday)-

Today was the day! Everyone was excited to go to their internships. Ryoshi was interning with Ryukyu, Hanako wanted to learn stealth, so she interned with Edgeshot, Izumi went with Gran Torino, Shoto and Shoka went to Endeavour's agency, and Katsumi went with Best Jeanist.

Izuku opened a portal for each of his friends, before opening one to Miruko's agency. He opened the door to the building in front of him. The first thing that he saw was an easy on he eyes reception area. The second thing that he saw was Miruko's foot.

Izuku Ducked under the kick, before grabbing the back of her shirt and pulling her back into the building.

Miruko: Great! This will be fun!

Izuku sighed, knowing full well what he got himself into.

Izuku: What are we doing today?

Miruko: Ooh! Straight to the point! I like it! Today, we will be sparring!

Izuku: Sounds good to me.

7 hours later...

Izuku was laying on the floor, sweating buckets. He looked up at Miruko while breathing heavily.

Izuku: *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* Man! I need more stamina to keep up with you, Miruko.

Miruko was actually surprised by how long he lasted. He almost beat her a couple of times!

Miruko: No, that was enough for today. You need some rest. The only thing that you are missing is experience. Then you may be able to beat me.

Izuku: I probably could've beaten you with my Sin Devil Trigger form.

Miruko: Yes, but you probably would've caused too much damage.

Izuku: Yeah, whatever.

Miruko: Huh! What was that!?

Miruko pinched Izuku's ear and pulled it towards her.


Miruko released his ear.

Miruko: Good. You have to remember not to cause collateral damage where possible. We'll be going on patrol on the day after tomorrow to Hosu.

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