"Now whose jungkook?"

"Me!" The black head guy replied hushly, sweat dripping from his bangs, reaching down his neck,"and talk nicely!" He said.

"The audacity of the bitch!" Jimin cursed underneath his breathe looking away,that was only heard by Haana and Yoongi.

And as for yoongi.

He was so done with all the shit going on.

"Hey hey hey, What the hell you all are doing inside here you brats!" A screeching sound of a tall blunt man fell into their ears, making their eyes widen and look behind them.

There the man stood there glaring them, visible anger plastered on his face,a big mustach and rough skin, and moreover, a green, fresh, thin and visibly tight,stick in his hand.He was breathing anger as whenever he breathed out,his big nose expanded even more.

"Run!" Taehyung and Haana at once.

"Ouchh!" The yell came from jungkook and when four others looked back at him, they saw him getting up and rubbing his butt, he continued to run afterwards with them.

The men who were chasing them like people who escaped from metal hospital, were nowhere to be seen.They breathed out of relief when the vegetables seller stopped following them.
"He hit it red hard!" Jungkook hissed and patted the area of his body where the man hit him with the stick,"why me!"

"Because your ass is annoying you little fuck!" Taehyung replied and Haana hit his head angrily.

"Oww what?" He managed to scowl after bumping into one or two people in the crowd.

"Stop cursing!" She replied sternly to him while walking away to get out of the maddening crowd of people, yoongi kept quite like the whole time and he followed behind Haana, Jimin too immediately trudged with both of them.Soon after they got into an thin street that led to the same direction of Haana's school, that's when the three realised that Taehyung and the stubborn scowling kid,Jungkook was following them behind too.

"Guys." Taehyung waved them awkwardly after a long silent walk.

"He'll be nice now." He said pulling jungkook along,"He's a kid."

"I am always nice." Jungkook puffed up and looked away scowling like a kid, though denying his own behaviour of a kid saying,"And I am not a kid, I am 18 already!!"

"Nice nice, not bitchy Nice." Jimin rolled his eyes replying him, walking while placing his arms around yoongi's neck.

On Jimin's tht gesture, Haana thought that, "yoongi will definitely jerk away his arm, definitely." But Yoongi just kept walking, not responding the gesture nor yanking away his roommates hand.

Now more thoughts rolled into Haana's brain, "Is he really rude or actually a sweet person with an Hard shell?" She thought.

"Did you say something?" Yoongi's husky voice pulled her out of her discussion with her own thoughts.

"Nothing" she stumbled while walking along,as she felt shivers down her knees, and when she looked towards him, from the corner of her eyes, she noticed something dark moving, but she shrugged thinking it might be Taehyung and Jungkook fooling around behind.

But the flashing yellow light couldn't be ignored by any of them.

Cars don't usually appear in such small street.

Jungkook being in the last of the five teenagers, who was laughing at his hyung for some reason was the first one to properly look back, the smile on his face dropped after a few seconds when he noticed that the cars, are finding their way into the dark small alley,coming for them, again.

"Oh sh-" he looked at Haana who was almost panicking, then said, "Oh shoot!"

Jimin almost fell on his face taking the long step while running, due to which Yoongi and Haana had to hold him up for a second so that he doesn't get hurt on his knees.

But they ran as fast as they could.

And that's all they could do.

Until, they came out infront of the school, turning their way round to the other side, also, Jimin had to pull jungkook to get along with them or else he'd be lost in other direction.

There they saw a guy, spraying on the school wall coolly and it wouldn't have actually matter as he was a random stranger for Haana, Yoongi and jimin.

But taehyung squeaked, "HyUng!"

When the turned himself to see them, only for a second Haana saw his face because of the cars behind.

Black leather jacket, a damp bag, hanging on his one shoulder and a lolipop stick inside his mouth, making his right side cheek be puffed up.And upon all these, what really weird was, his hair.

Undercut isn't a problem.

But who dyes their head pink?

Haana couldn't see what the guy was wearing down,not that she wanted to know that, just touché.

Just for a shot of second the thought came into her head and was gone far away as none of them had enough time to think of anything else, but when taehyung reached his hyung for help, not realising that now one more person got added in this running marathon for no exact reason.

Or maybe a reason, they just don't know now, but really just want it to be end with them being at a better place than running like this.

As the boy trudged along with the already running five people making them six, taehyung and the guy started a yelling conversation probably heard by all the houses around.

"How did they-" the guy screeched but got cut off by Taehyung's yell,"I don't know!"

"And why is jungkook here?" The undercut hair guy almost tripped.

"I had the vision!" Taehyung replied along with a question, "didn't you?" He asked.

"NO!" He screamed

"Hyung help!" Jungkook cried out loud running as fast as he could along with others.


"just run!!!!" Came out Haana's yell because she knew fighting around would be a waste of time and a way to get kidnapped by the people who are surprisingly still behind them.

Into the darkness they were going and it felt like this won't ever end.

But it did, surprisingly.

"Fuck!" Yoongi cursed at the car that suddenly appeared infront, now what would they do? The cars behind are almost near them and there's another infront.

The difference is, the car that stopped the six, wasn't like the one behind.

The window scrolled down.

Revealing the person.

Well, jin isn't really scary than the men behind them.



Why am I even doing this?

Run.... || BTS FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें