meeting the one

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Love is something considered beautiful. But it's fragile, too. This is why it's easy to hurt someone who you love without intending to. Nothing is more painful than knowing how much you've hurt your loved ones, and you feel like you'll never fix that. So, is love really beautiful?


Hello, Hana Song here. Some know me under the name "D.VA". I am a professional streamer and used to be a part of an e-sport team. Gaming has always been my passion, and so is it for my father! He always played video games with me, so I basically grew up with it. My skills made me famous on social media, which made me meet many well-known people. I even made it to an e-sport team, as I have mentioned, but I left the team. We were doing well on tournaments, but everyone knew something was odd about us. We had no chemistry at all. This even made us having several arguments. They said I was too much on my own. There is something true about it, though. I do have difficulties with getting close to people.

I used to have someone I loved. Unfortunately, I was hurting this person with my insecurities, so I decided to break up with that person in the hope she'd find someone who is better at appreciating her. She deserved the best, and I was too afraid to give her my best since there was this one moment that made me insecure.

After leaving the team, I decided to move back to my parents because I really missed them. I got to admit, I was really scared of meeting my ex girlfriend again, since we were living in the same neighborhood, but I heard she left the country with her dad, which made me relieved.

My mother asked me if I wanted to visit the Yamagamis with her. I actually wanted to say no since my ex is one of the Yamagamis, but she'd ask me why I don't want to, and I don't want to explain my situation for a very good reason. So, I said yes and went to the Yamagamis with her. We are sitting in the living room of the Yamagamis, and it really feels awkward to be here. Asa, the mother of my ex, is such a kind woman, so I do not completely regret being here.

Suddenly, I hear steps coming closer to the living room. Those steps are making me nervous, is Asa expecting someone? It can't be her. It can't be Kiriko. Asa said she's coming back home in a week and not today. Is it a housebreaker???

Those strange steps are entering the room, and I can't believe who's standing in the living room...

It's Kiriko and her dad. Why are they here?!

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