Meeting the past

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(Hello! My name is Hiko and I forgot to add that this is an AU. I do not own the characters I use in the story. They belong to Overwatch and they are only part of a fanfiction.)

Some people fall in love, some people don't. Some feel sexual attraction, some don't. But that's not the only thing. There's a variety of attraction types. Attraction is a spectrum, and Kiriko Kamori saw herself in one part of that spectrum. Sadly, she did not have the best experience, which made her wish she wasn't a part of any spectrum.


Hello! My name is Kiriko Kamori. Today, I will move back to my mother's house after a very long trip through the world with my dad. You might think that my parents are divorced, but they are not. My father just wanted to see the world while my mother wasn't ready to leave the country. This was completely valid, and my mother respected that desire of my father. She was even the one who suggested that I should go too because she wanted me to see the world as well. Honestly, I was happy about that suggestion. There was something at home, which was painful, and I wanted to leave that behind. Back then, there was a girl whom I loved a lot. She liked me back either, and we started dating. But.... it wasn't really an exciting relationship. We didn't really do those silly and adorable couple things, which made me really upset. It felt like she was ashamed of openly showing that we are a couple. And a few weeks later... she broke up with me. That day was the worst for me. My feelings for her were so real, but she had rejected my love and threw it away. Now that I'm an adult, I am over this past. I also heard that she moved away, so there's nothing to worry, if we're back home.

Dad and I told mom that we would arrive a week later, but we actually lied as a surprise that we'll be back home sooner! Now, both of us are standing in front of our door. Dad pulls out our key from his bag. He slowly and silently opens the door, and we secretly enter the house. Cautiously, I close the door, and we take our shoes off. Suddenly, we hear our mother talking with a woman in another room. That voice is familiar...

Dad and I follow the voices and enter the living room. I cannot believe my eyes.

I see my mom sitting on the couch with two other people. Those two other people... are my ex Hana Song and her mother?!

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