Chapter 1 - intro

Start from the beginning

"Huh.. oh yeah. What?"

My father pinches his nose bridge and shakes his head. My step mother, whose not said a word yet, strokes his shoulder in comfort.

"This is precisely why you need to go to this school." He continues talking, raising his head, "It'll be great for you to have responsibilities. You need to get your ass together."

Blah blah blah

Going in one ear and out the other for me.

"Okay but why does it have to be in Seoul. You guys couldn't find anything in Busan?"

"Well.. I kind of thought it would be a good idea for you to practice living away from home. And maybe it'll be good to give us some space." He nervously scratches his nape, my step mother agreeing and nodding once again.

Does that woman have like a neck problem or something?

"You can give it some time to think about it Minho." My father suggests in a calm tone.

I squint my eyes at him, a part of me knew he didn't mean that, "Welllll I actually thought about it enough... Anddd I'm not going. Hah."

I quickly stuff my mouth full of mash potatoes and excuse myself from the dinner table. I could hear the calls from my dad behind me. But I just keep walking, giving myself a high five for being the coolest kid in town.

I takes me a good 3 minutes just to make my way through the mansion to my room. I've already mentioned I'm rich, but have I mention I'm mother frickin loaded?

Like my dad is one of the richest in the country.

Kind of a big deal, you know?

I got ten cars, 9 watches, 8 tvs, 7 phones, you know one for texting one for and one for calling.

Okay moral of the story is I'm filthy rich and i got everything I want.

But something I got absolutely 0 of, now this is rare because I never have zero of something, is friends.

Im a frickin loner.

I guess being born rich doesn't come with a manual on how to make friends. Not that being rich comes with a manual, but it does come with money that you can then use to hire someone to make you a manual. Anyways I think I'm getting sidetracked.

So I might seem narasstic and a loud mouth, but I'm kind of an introvert. I get a lot of attention, it's just I don't know how to deal with it.

I find it hard to talk to people about real things in my life, it's always some shit about my dads company or some stupid news thing recently.

I've been told it's because I'm too "cold" or "rude" but it's just hard to express myself sometimes.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm really shy.

I'm like that mysterious handsome rich boy next door. The one that like peaks through the curtains but you never know if their looking at you or a flower in the garden.

That's a relatable thing right?

Ughhh why can't I be good at talking like I'm good at everything else?

I flop down on my bed annoyed. It's been quite a long day and I need my beauty sleep. Even thought I probably won't sleep well after my fathers proposition.

You know what? It's fine. I can cook and clean and be independent.

If I can raise my cats, I can live in Seoul right?

After all I'm THE Lee Minho.

Ugh why does my name sound so stupid when I say it like that?

Whatever. Just distract yourself Minho.

And so I start scrolling on my phone. Like I do everyday before bed. Curiosity creeps up my spine, and before I know it, I find myself looking up the school my father put me in.

It's a really prestigious school. Which is fine for me, I might be dumb socially and in basically any other scenario, but academically is where I shine.

And I hate to say it's very pretty. The dance programs are great and it honestly looks decent.

But why does it have to be so damn far way?

I mean it's not like I'll miss my father, right? He's barely around. So why is this scary?

I find myself wondering as I scroll farther through the page. Feeling nervous about this whole situation.

I sigh and put my phone down, closing my eyes, hoping to get atleast some sleep tonight.

But only one things circles my mind.

Seoul Scholars Academy

It's my second book baby. I'm a real writer.
We love minsung hehe

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