I don't even know anymore (part 1)

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This is some sort of weird au where Keefe also grew up with humans like Sophie but was brought to the lost cities by the neverseen around the same time.

Sophie honestly couldn't believe it. She had captured a neverseen member on her own. Without even trying.

"Who are you?" She asked the prisoner in front of her. He was strangely familiar. "I can't say I've ever seen you in a battle before. I think I'd remember those annoying jokes."

"Annoying?" He scoffed. "You loved every single one."

She totally did. "I did not."

"If you admit you liked them I'll reveal my identity."

"Ok fine, I actually had to bite back a laugh at some of them." She admitted. "Happy?" When the figure took down his hood he was smirking.

"Hey Foster." only one person had ever called her that...

"Keefe?" She stared, mouth open, at her old friend. The one friend she'd ever had in the forbidden cities. "But. I-"

"You look exactly the same as when we were little, I never would've known you were an elf if my mom didn't tell me. How can you have brown eyes?"

"Your mom?" Sophie asked. "Wait a second, is your mom actually lady Gisela? I thought she was joking about her 'super powerful son.'"

"She wasn't joking, and I see the black swan weren't joking about their moonlark."

"Yeah they weren't." Sophie agreed. "Which is why they'll probably ask me to do a memory break on you." She smiled sadly.

Keefe's smirk faded. "Would you actually do that to your only friend back with the humans?" He asked, the look in his eyes breaking Sophie's heart.

"I don't want to."

"Then why would you?" Keefe asked. "I'm still that same kid you were friends with. I don't even want to be here!" The look in his eyes made Sophie desperately want to believe him. Believe he didn't want to be doing all those terrible things.

"I..." She sighed. "Maybe if you let me search your mind I'd believe you. I won't have do a break unless you hide stuff."

"You can search my mind. I trust you." he trusted her?

"But..." Sophie gave him a curious look. "Why? We haven't seen each other for years and work for opposite organizations."

"Like I said I don't want to work for the neverseen. My mom won't give me a choice." He laughed softly. "And you haven't done anything to break my trust."

"Haven't I though?" Sophie asked, trying to hold back the tears forming behind her eyes. "I did kind of assume you were evil."

"I get it though, you needed to make sure I wasn't trying to kill you."

"If you're telling the truth you could join us, you know?" She smiled. "If the black swan can deal with Rayni, they can deal with my old friend."

"I'd like that." Keefe smiled back.

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