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In this elves of the same gender don't appear on match lists, I have no idea how it actually is in the books. This takes place any time after nightfall. The Neverseen was defeated recently.

Sophie was bored out of her mind, she wasn't used to having free time. Her time was always taken up with the neverseen, but now that they were gone she had nothing to do. That was why she was very excited when her best friend walked through the door.

"Dex!" She jumped up from her bed. "Wait, are you okay?" She didn't need to be an empath to know the answer to that question.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I just wanted to talk to you about something," She patted the bed next to her and he sat down. "So in the forbidden cities, it's like.. Normal... gay. Right?"

"Yeah," Sophie replied. "Well in a lot of places, some places are still pretty homophobic And even in places where it's not as bad, some people are." Dex nodded. "Why did you ask? Is it not normal here?"

"No. Everyone on your match list is the opposite gender, so you'll obviously be a bad match." He replied. "But it's worse than just being a bad match, you have all that scorn plus some extra,"

"That is ridiculous, remind me why we say we're better than humans?" She shook her head. "I'm assuming you're asking about it because you're gay?"

He nodded. "I kinda figured it out a while ago, but didn't have time to think about it with the neverseen, but now that they're gone and I have so much time, I've been thinking a lot," Sophie wrapped him in a hug. "I just... you know what people will say, right? I mean I'm the child of a bad match, and I turned out to be gay. They'll just use this as evidence against bad matches, and I don't wanna make my parents reputation even worse,"

"Listen to me Dex, there is nothing wrong with you," she made him look at her. "How did you find out?" His cheeks turned red. "Is it that embarrassing?"

He nodded, but eventually told her anyway, "Fine, it was because I kissed you," he looked at her again. "I realized that maybe the reason it felt wrong was because you were a girl. Not just because we weren't meant for each other," He smiled sadly. "So thanks I guess,"

"I think I have something to cheer you up," Sophie decided after a moment. "Come on, we're going to the forbidden cities," She pulled him up.

"The forbidden cities?" she nodded. "Why?"

"Because it's June," she replied, as she left a note for her parents. "June is pride month,"

"Pride month?" Dex asked. "Humans have a whole month for us?" Sophie nodded and dragged him over to the cliff so they could teleport.

She pictured an image of a random city she'd seen one time, she remembered that at least in the image they had a huge celebration for pride. Once they got there Dex helped her rob an ATM and they bought some human clothes.

Sophie saw that there was some sort of stand giving out flags, so she dragged Dex over to it. "You speak English, right?" she whispered into his ear. He nodded. "Great, I'll ask for the flag, just make sure to talk to anyone who asks you anything so you don't seem rude."

"Flag?" he asked. "What do they represent?"

"The ones we're getting represent your sexuality and my support, yours is the gay flag and mine is just the rainbow flag," she answered. "You can just hold the smaller ones, or I can get the bigger ones so you can wear it as a cape,"

"Can you get one of each?" he asked. "There's so many people here," he stepped aside to let someone walk past him. Sophie just nodded.

"Do you have just a rainbow one?" Sophie asked, She had successfully gotten Dex's flags and he was waiting for her on a bench.

"We just have a smaller one, is that okay?" he answered, grabbing a small one from under the stall. He handed the small one to her and smiled.

"Thank you so much," she grabbed it and waved as she made her way to Dex's bench.

After a moment Dex told Sophie, "Thank you. You really don't know how much this means to me."

"Hey, that's what best friends do for each other." They both smiled as she pulled him into a hug.

I proofread that one a little bit, mainly to make sure the paragraphs copy and pasted right. I was having issues with that on another thing. I actually don't hate this one it's definitly not my best, but certainly not my worst. 

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