Start from the beginning

She desperately look at Elara for help only to see her grinning like a maniac, her frown deepening at the weird look she was getting from her mate but suddenly, Elara burst out laughing at Rosalie's expression, clutching her stomach and rolling on the bed like crazy, puzzling Rosalie even more.

This family is so weird.

"Oh love." Elara breathed out, still chuckling while wiping the happy tears left on her eyes. "You should've seen your face."

Rosalie scowl at her playfully before rolling her eyes at her mates immaturity. She was about to open her mouth to retort but was cut off by a wailing from the little girl who was now moving her legs side to side, throwing a tantrum.

Elara look at her child and sigh.

She knows that she's not really the best at parenting. She spoil her children rotten and was not there for them every minute of everyday as being a single parent of two while trying to provide for her children requires her to be away from them everyday, so she tried to make up with it by giving them all they wanted resulting to them being a spoiled brat from time to time.

It didn't help as well that her father, her role model, have not been the best at parenting as he always gave her what she wanted and never said no to any of her wishes.

Her aunt Andromeda was no better. Yes, she would call Elara out for any of her bullshits but being the only niece that Andromeda can tolerate, Elara was spoiled by her too.

"Rory." Elara firmly muttered, halting the little girl's tantrum. "What did I say about throwing a tantrum when someone said no?"

Rory, glance up at her, her eyes brimming with tears before she wipe it with her unicorn pajama shirt. "Not to." She mumbled softly, her lips forming into a pout.

Even how much it pains Elara to see her daughter in that state, she still have to try and fix Rory's attitude while she's still a child. She don't want another version of Draco Malfoy to live in the world and make other people miserable by their attitude.

She sighed before scooting over and scooping her daughter in her arms, making Rosalie's flustered petite figure be encased as well, as she was hugging the child to reassure her that she's not going away anymore.

"Sweetheart." Elara kissed her daughter's forehead before continuing. "When someone said no to you, you have to accept it even if it hurts you because you can't expect everything to be on your favor."

It's adorable how focus the little Black to the words that Elara was telling her even when all three of them know that she won't understand the half of it. "I know I've been trying to be strict with you for this past few days but baby, do you want to be like your Uncle Ron when your Aunt 'Mione told him she can't do make up like your Aunt Pansy does?"

Rory's frown deepened at the mention of her Uncle Ron and scowled to no one in particular. "He was very mean. He made Aunt 'Mione cry when he called her ugly and an old grandma." The little grumbled, fisting her little hand and glaring at poor the window.

Elara scowl too, matching Aurora's to the amusement of Rosalie who's trying hard to keep a straight face. "Yes he was. He was used to getting what he wanted because your Aunt 'Mione always gave in to his wishes but the second she said she couldn't do it, your Uncle Ron would be so mean to her and I don't want you to be like him because you'll end up hurting someone who you love and that will hurt you too."

Aurora's eyes glisten at the thought of hurting someone she loves causing Elara's heart to throb painfully as if it was being squeezed to death. "I don't want to hurt anybody mama."

"Oh baby." Elara hug her daughter tight, rocking her side to side. "I know you don't want to, princess, that's why I'm here. Mama is here to guide you to the good path. I will never leave you and I will stay with you for as long as you need me."

Rory's hiccups was only thing that can be heard in the room as well as the occasional murmurs of reassurances of her mother and Rosalie can't find it in herself to ruin the mother and daughter's moment by cursing the hell out of that awful guy they were talking about.

Even if she only met her mate, in a few days that she've been with her proved of how amazing Elara was. Not only she's good at her profession, she's also a good friend to her little circle of friends and a good mom. Rosalie can't ask for more but to get to know her even more and be close to her mate on that level.

A sudden knock on the door broke their heartfelt moment making Elara and Rosalie glance towards the direction only to see a puffy eyed Teddy, clutching on the hem of his shirt. "Mama. I had a nightmare again. You weren't there to wake me up."

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry." Elara's heart broke even more.

"Come here." She beckoned the little boy forward before she hug him too.

She was used to it by now but not looking forward to it. Teddy have been having the same nightmares every time he falls asleep. It was always about the deatheaters torturing her Uncle Ted with cruciatus curse in front of the child and ever since then, Teddy couldn't get it off his mind even how much they tried.

It made Elara furious at the bastard who did unforgivable curses infront of her nephew, much else torture someone infront of him. If she could just turn back the time, she would've give back the favor by hunting the deatheaters one by one and killing them in the same way did to her Uncle Ted. But as she matured, having responsibilities of children on her hands, she left the traitorous thoughts out of her mind as she can't afford to be sent to Azkaban and leave her children to be an orphan, probably will be abused by people that call themselves humans.

By that thought in her mind, Elara tightened her hug to the three people that matters to her and reason why she will stay strong for everything that may come their way. "I got you. You are all my life now, I'm never leaving. I got you."

And Rosalie swore to herself that for as long as she live, she got them too. "I got you too, I'm never leaving." She whispered back, leaning her head on Elara's shoulder.

"Fancy seeing you here sis." Daisey leaned on the opened door of Rosalie's room with a teasing smirk adorning her face, looking at her sister who was busying herself with her luggage. "Thought you eloped with Ms. Black already."

She waited for a snarky comeback from her sister but was met by a tense silence that was so unlike Rosalie. "Sis? Is there something wrong?"

Sh was met by another tense silence and Daisey knew that there's something horribly wrong with her twin but when she was about to ask her again, Rosalie's voice echoed inside the room and was heard by all the vampires in the Cullen's residence.

"They are my life now and I will kill anyone who'll try to harm them even if it's one of you."

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now