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I walked into the house desperately, Carl was sat ,as always, on the sofa watching Tv next to Nick while Debbie made Liam lunch.
I stormed in and over to my backpack.

"Clear this fucking house" I said grabbing and opening my bag

"Whats going on?" Debbie asked looking over

"Im a suspected drug dealer." I said counting the cash I had from earlier while still hiding it in my bag

"What?" Carl said sitting up and giving Nick a look

"I dont fucking know but i know its not likely i wont be taken into custody and they search the place, i dunno when ill be out so clean up all you shit" I said stuffing the money in my pocket

"You just got out through?" Debbie said looking confused at me

"Thats why im an easy suspect" I shrugged

"So you didn't do it?" Mickey asked as he sat at the kitchen table with Ian

"Are you serious? No i didn't fucking deal 3 hours after being out of Juvie." I scoffed staring at him in disbelief

Everyone else stayed silent and just stared at me

"Hold on, you all think im guilty dont you?" I said disappointed and disgusted that my own family didn't believe me

"No, we believe you" Carl said speaking for him and Nick

"I believe you" Mickey said nodding his head "Juvie was shit, no one dose the same crime they got done for straight out" Mickey added

"And the rest of you?" I asked looking around at my family who all looked down or avoided eye contact

"Fucking great, not even my own family believes me how am i gonna prove a court." I scoffed shaking my head

Carl stood up and walked over to me as I placed my head in my hands.

"Youll be fine" Carl said with his hands in his pockets

"If you need bail, use this. If you need more ill pay you back" I said stuffing the money in his hands has he took one out his pocket

"Tori.." He sighed giving me a look

"The system is against people like me, always expect the worst." I said before walking upstairs

"Tori!"Fiona shouted up the stairs

I heard footsteps behind me but I kept walking and into my room, I stood in the newly furnished room and began to cry.
Carl walked in and noticed me with my hands over my mouth sobbing. Without saying a word he walked over and hugged me, letting me cry into his tracksuit.

"I was fucking free" I sobbed though tears

"I ain't letting anyone take you down" Carl said shaking his head as he held me

Fiona walked in, planning on comforting me but saw Carl hugging me and smiled gently before walking away. I pulled back from the hug afew seconds later, sniffing as i whipped my tears.

"Im not going down without a fight." I said shaking my head angrily and sniffing

"You gonna run?" He asked looking at me

"Nah, i gotta fight this one properly." I sighed looking down

I sat on my bed for around 45 minutes, alone with my thoughts trying to gather a plan. I had my hands on my forehead as my elbows were on my knees.

"You okay?" Mickey asked standing in my doorway with his arms crossed

"Fuck no" I laughed trying not to cry again

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