"Oh yeah...I forgot about that rule we had." I said referring to how wolves were extremely territorial.

"I know it sucks but you got this. And if you need help carrying stuff next time, you can always call us." Julio gleamed and I smiled.

His smile was just so contagious I couldn't help it.

"He shouldn't need help next time if he had a mate that did things properly." Jay grumbled and his comment caused Julio to elbow him in his side.

Jay groaned and put his hands up defensively before I laughed nervously to make things less weird.

"Anyways we're going to get going. We might hang around the beach for a bit since we're here if you need us." Julio explained and I nodded my head.

I planned on stopping by the beach later today anyways so maybe if I put the groceries away quickly, I can still catch them.

They took off down the stairs on the side of my new house and left me with a porch almost completely full of groceries.

I started by grabbing the meat and dairy stuff first and from there, I slowly began to bring everything into the house.

It took me way longer than I thought it would to organize the fridge and put everything away, and once I was finished, I was super tired.

I had to wash all the fruits and vegetables as well so that took me a second to do. I wanted to have everything organized and prepped in the fridge in case Juno ever wanted anything.

My arms hurt and I pouted; but I decided to just ignore the pain and go down to the beach instead.

I thought the guys would be gone by now since it took me so long to finish up, but I still saw there shoes and clothes on the beach.

I blushed and my eyes widened as I realized that their CLOTHES were on the beach. Meaning they were either skinny dipping or off somewhere naked together.

As my eyes scanned the beach for the two nudists, I began to walk down the stairs and get closer to investigate.

But I didn't see any nude dudes.

I began to get scared, thinking they might've drowned or something but my fears went away instantly when I saw two fluffy wolves running around on the beach.

I was surprised I missed them since they were so huge but they were on the other side of a huge rock, so when they popped out from the side they immediately caught my attention.

They were playing tag or just chasing each other around without a care in the world and I was envious.

I haven't shifted in a long time and I wanted to hang out with my friends too.

Once they noticed me, they ran up to where I was standing in thought and tackled me.

"Wait! You're both too big!" I shouted as they both started to lick my cheeks.

It was how wolves greeted each other but I wasn't shifted so it just made my face feel all sticky.

I could tell which wolf was Jay's and which wolf was Julio's instantly. Julio had his fathers height and black coat in his wolf form and Jay's wolf was slightly smaller with a darker brown coat.

Jay's wolf nudged my side roughly with his nose and whimpered, signaling he wanted me to shift which made me ponder.

I did say I needed to shift since it's been a while but my body was definitely going to hurt. It usually only hurt for a few seconds when we shifted since our bones changed but since it's been so long, it might take me a while to fully shift.

"Shift and run with us." Julio told me through our pack link and Jay nudged me with his nose again.

They both gave me the saddest puppy dog looks in their eyes and I sighed.

"Fine but when I shift back, you're carrying me up the stairs." I told them as I began to strip off my clothes.

It wasn't weird for wolves to get naked in front of each other but they looked away from me to give me some privacy as I shifted.

I was right about the pain and I groaned loudly as I felt my bones start to crack.

It definitely took me a bit longer than usual but once I was done, I rubbed my cheek against Julio's then against Jay's in greeting.

Seeing me shift made them even more hyper judging by how fast their tails were wagging and I stretched to get used to this form again.

They both shook their bodies while I stretched, causing sand and strands of fur to fly everywhere.

Just thinking about the sand made me think about how weird my paws felt. I was used to being on grass or dirt in this form, not on sand...but it was a nice feeling at the same time.

Julio was the one to nudge me with his nose gently this time before he started running and I guess that meant to chase him so I did.

Running felt so nice and the familiar feeling of the wind against my fur felt like nostalgia as I ran after the both of them on the beach.

A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejection (BXB) Where stories live. Discover now