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"I have to show you something!" Lucy drags me towards the usual spot behind the trees where no one can see us.

Lucy plops herself down, and I do the same after her.

I can see her looking at me from the side of my eye. "Why do you always wear tights?" Her lips turn downwards.

If she wasn't my friend I would say her face looks like she saw something ugly, but I ignore that.

"I-I like them"

"Even your freaking tights are designer"

I stare at her, "What do you mean designer?"

She rolls her eye and doesn't say anything else, instead she pulls her phone out of her skirt pocket and places it on the floor. After that she pulls a small white box along with a pink lighter.

"Look!" She looks at me with big eyes.

I try to pretend I'm as existed as her because I don't know what the white box is.

Lucy hands it to me, "Open it"

My hands open the white box open. My eyes scrunch together. "Cigarettes?"

Macy grabs her phone from the floor then looks back at me. "Yeah!"

"Lucy! I don't think kids can smoke"

"We aren't kids. Your 12 and i'm 13. Were teenagers. Plus, everyone does it" She moves a loose strand of my hair away from my face. "I don't know..." I don't think teenagers can smoke either.

"Don't your brothers smoke?" She asks me seriously. I start playing with the end of my skirt.

"Yeah" All the time.

"Then? If your brothers do it, then it's okay. If it wasn't they wouldn't do it" She's right. Mother would also do it, she would blow on my face too. Is okay then?

She pulls a cigarette from the box and lights it up. Handing it to me. I just stare at it.

Will I be more like my brothers if I smoke?

"Hold it!"

My hands quickly hold it.

Lucy looks at me expectedly. I look back at the cigarette and slowly bring it close to my mouth.

My heart starts beating faster. I look back at Lucy who is holding her phone.

"Stop looking at me and smoke it" She chuckles with a smile. I try to smile but it comes out more like a grimace.

I can feel her expecting gaze on me.

I bring the cigarette to my mouth and inhale, clueless to what the right way of doing this is.

Instantly I start coughing. Lucy starts patting my back. I can hear the bell ringing signaling recess is over.

Lucy throws the cigarette on the floor and steps of it until is completely off. She proceeded to secure everything back into her pocket then pulls me up from the floor by my hand.

"Let's go!"

"What a-about you?"

"There's no more time, next time" She says rapidly as we run back to the class.

I won't ever do that again, I promise myself in guilt.


Today was Friday. Lucy was going to be here in a few minutes.

Nanny had done my hair and choose my outfit to be extra special.

My brothers were upstairs working while the twins were in the living room with me. They said they wanted to watch a movie.

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