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"Young Miss, your second eldest brother is calling for you downstairs immediately"

My eyes shoot open and the upper half of my body rises from the bed.

My vision found a middle aged woman standing besides me. She wore what looked like a uniform.

"I have laid out your outfit for the day, will you need help putting it on?"

Help putting it on?

I know she was being serious, and I should've not done what I did, but a small giggle escaped me.

My hands slam against my mouth as soon as that noice left me.

The woman just stares at me with curious but cautious eyes. "I'm sorry, but no thank you, I can do it" I said quietly, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

"I'll take my leave" She says and walks away hastily.

Looking at the chair where the outfit laid down I rip the covers off and tidy up my bed, making it look nice again.

Wait. Where is Elias?

He left.

Is okay, he has things to do and I can't expect anymore then what he has done for me. I need to stop wanting more then what I deserve.

Feeling grateful for having a kind brother, I smile.

Unfolding the clothes the woman had put together a smile grew on my face. It was a pretty green dress with tights. I was thankful for that as my legs were covered in disgusting marks.

Taking off my pajamas I slid the clothes on. I had to hurry. Running to the bathroom I washed my teeth and face. And of course I had to brush my hair.

Fastly walking downstairs I noticed Romeo was waiting at the door while smoking. Him and Elias are always smoking.

I walked towards him as the woman told me he needed me. Is he going to make me clean? I can do that, Im actually very good at it.

When he saw me he put his cigarette away, "Mateo already left for school and the twins went out with Macy. No one will be back till very late at night, so do you want to stay here alone or come with me to work?"

I don't wanna be alone.

"I'll go!" It accidentally comes out louder then necessary.

Romeo nods and opens the door waiting for me to go out first.

I'm glad I decided to get fully ready before coming down here.

Noticing he's been holding it for longer then he should I try to walk out the door as fast as I can. I don't want his arm to get tired.

Next thing I know i'm on the floor laying on my side. I tripped. As soon as I fell Romeo placed his hands under my arms and lifted me back up on my feet.

"It was an accident, i'm-" I quickly say but get cut off.

"Is fine" Romeo says dryly and holds my hand on our way towards the car.


Romeo parks the car in front of a black building. Im guessing this is where he works.

Once Romeo pulls out the key he starts speaking, "Elias had to leave due to a work emergency, he wanted me to tell you that he'll be back for dinner"

At this I felt happiness i've never felt before. I looked at Romeo and smiled, grateful that he told me.

Romeo glanced at me through the mirror, lit up a cigarette and got out of the car.

Loving Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें