{ Halloween. }

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It was Halloween for the four best friends (Violet,Rowan,Leo,Samantha), they didn't get costumes this year, they wanted to go explore outside..Without doing any trick or treat, who cared about that in their opinion?

V: '' Where in the hell do you think we will go?! We can't..Go around and- Find a random place to go in and if there's someone in there we use the excuse 'Oh SoRrY wE dIdNt KnOw YoU LiVeD hErE!1!' ''

L: '' We use a different excuse, lik- '' Leo got cut off by Rowan's voice.

R: '' We can just run away and break some window or something to do that.. ''

S: '' Orrr..We hide around their house? ''

V - L: '' Yeahh..That might be a good idea- Wait- STOP COPYING WHAT I SAY. '' 

Rowan and Sam looked at eachother with a 'Why the fuck are those two going into an argue right now??' look. 

S: '' Hahah yeah stop. Let's just, leave? Get your devices in case we need to call someone, and let's leave this house, it stinks and it's even Leo's house. ''

L: '' EXCUSE ME- ''

They all laughed a little, then grabbed their devices and also got ready to leave.

V: '' We got everything ready?? ''

R: '' I think so..I got also some flashlights for all of us. '' 

L: '' Thanks- ''

They felt like something was wrong but heh, they wanted to leave already so they did..They approached the door and left the house, turning off the lights and locking the door. 

S: '' We have that laboratory right there, maybe we can go in there? My house is infront of it and no one ever entered it, not even scientists! ''

V: '' That can be a good idea, ''

R: '' And if it's haunted? ''

L: '' Awh cmon- Ghosts or monsters aint existing. ''

R: '' Let's all remember when Leo did a girly ass scream when we watched a movie that wasn't even scary? '' 

L: '' Excuse you- Can you shut the fuck up already so we can go? ''

V: '' Shut up both of you? ''

Violet sorta grabbed both of Rowan and Leo's hands, dragging them to the Laboratory so the argue wouldn't continue..Sam was just following them. Doing nothing. They approached to the lab's door, it was dark inside and night outside..It was like 11PM, they entered but the door closed behind their back, they couldn't exit now, it was 'kinda' locked, well, not kinda, but it was. They started to look around, it was a beautiful laboratory but why would it get abandoned like this?? They walked around for a little bit of time until they started to notice weird things going on. 

L: '' We keep seeing these blue and purple lights mostly everywhere we go, what the hell are they. ''

R: '' Well, none of your business? Maybe it's  the scientists business. '' Rowan sort of snapped out, he kinda hated Leo when he acted stupid.

V: '' Can we talk about these slimes on the floor that we see everywhere. '' 

S: '' I mean it's kind of normal in my opinion, just those weird sounds and voices..I feel like something's following us but we can't know what that is. '' 

L: '' I- Maybe we can go and find out? ''

R: '' HAH HELL NAH?! I ain't going around an abandoned place just to die or anything else. Who even dragged me here- oh wait. Right. ''

V: '' We can just follow the voices or whatever maybe? ''

L: '' Yeah let's go. ''

The four friends started walking, but Leo got away from the others, he wanted to go alone..He wanted to discover what was in the laboratory. At a certain point he started to hear some weird whispers, he didn't want to look back..Honestly..He was..Scared enough. He already had some hallucinations because of some problems he had..Some minutes ago he saw a dark grey figure with some purple 'glasses' that glowed purple, that figure had a boombox but he was sure it was just an hallucination and not anything else, he just..Ignored it..Until he heard more..

'' Something Is Coming... ''

'' You Saw Something From The Distance...''

'' You Felt As If Something Is Watching You From Afar...''

'' Do You Feel..Safe..? ''

'' Behind You. ''

''  You Saw Something Out Of The Corner Of Your Eye. ''


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Opinions on this one?

Tbh this one is just a trailer, lol-

The real parts are coming soon heheheh....

I'll put a random animation meme on every part btw, why not??

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