Masashi Yuri (Class 1-B | MHA)

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The user could achieve a similar effect to Zero Gravity since all objects would float upwards or allow the user to lift heavier objects with astonishing ease due to the decreased weight.

With enough control and skill, one could attract or repel objects regardless of direction, achieving an effect akin to Telekinesis, ignore or defy the laws of gravity altogether, allowing one to walk on walls or ceilings or manipulate orbital fields on anything.

Some users can control their gravitational field, allowing them to move faster, be more agile, conserve stamina, or fly, all by decreasing the effects of gravity on themselves.

Master-level users would be able to induce zero gravity at will, generate black holes or exert power over the inverse of gravity, anti-gravity.

Gravity manipulation is one of the most versatile in combat utility, allowing one to achieve offensive and defensive capabilities.

Offensive uses include repelling enemies with such force to kill them instantly, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, or hurling large objects at their enemy with astonishing force and speed by decreasing the pull of gravity on said objects.

Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force field to repel all attacks (similar to anti-gravity) or anchoring oneself to the ground to tank heavy physical attacks or decreasing the gravity of an attack to weaken its potency and speed.

The most powerful users of gravity manipulation would be able to control the space-time continuum, warp reality, manipulate time and space. Some would be able to move entire planets, stars, or galaxies with their power.


Distance, mass, precision, etc. Depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.

The power may be centered around the user at all times, in which case the user can attract/repel relative to/from only their current location.


Name: Sticky Fingers

Namesake: Sticky Fingers (The Rolling Stones album)


Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: C (3m)

Stamina: D

Precision: C

Development Potential: D



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Sticky Fingers is a close-range Stand whose excellent strength and speed make it suitable for direct combat. In addition, it possesses a very versatile ability in the form of its zippers.

Zipper Manipulation:

The main function of Sticky Fingers is creating zippers on what its fist touches, which it can remotely open or close at any time. It has various applications, such as using it to travel through walls or floors, detaching and attaching limbs, and storing objects inside something.

Sticky Fingers can create zippers that cut through the entirety of objects, allowing Yuri to dismantle them. With this ability, he can separate enemies into multiple pieces and even perform a cutting attack by detaching something and then canceling the zipper.

Yuri has control over whether sectioning by zippers inflicts actual damage or not. Non damaging examples include when Bucciarati zipped his head in half to evade an attack, or when he detached a villain's head, keeping it alive and conscious.

Damaging examples include when Yuri split his heart in half to cease its beating, and when he sectioned a serial villain in to numerous pieces, which was instantly fatal.

Inversely, Yuri is free to attach several things together with his zippers. It allowed him to block King Crimson's arm when it impaled his chest or even attach another's arm to his body. It also enabled Masumi to heal his severed hand.

Because the zippers are remotely opened and closed, Yuri can take advantage of the zipping itself.

He can create long zippers over surfaces and control the zipping to rapidly reposition himself if he holds the zipper's handle, for instance, to move down a lift shaft using the zipper to slow down his descent.

Moreover, nearly cutting an object in two then rapidly closing the zipper from a distance creates a makeshift pincer.

If Yuri opens a zipper to inside a voluminous object, it actually doesn't show the interior of the object but a dark space in which Yuri can put objects like precious items to safely store or himself to hide.


● Yuri was inspired by "Yuri" from Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.

● His voice was also known or played as:

"Bruno Bucciarati from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 5: Vento Aureo"

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"Bruno Bucciarati from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 5: Vento Aureo"

● Yuri is a bit of a Siscon.

● Yuri is very good of giving strategies.

 Yuri and Yamato are both an equal in intellect.

● Yuri's favorite foods are curry rice, ramen, and plain burgers.

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