Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6

Start from the beginning

Fukitsu looms closer to him. "I'm afraid that isn't your concern. Now, have you seen her?"

Tydus stares at him for a long moment, unaffected. "...No. I haven't." 

Fukitsu examines his face, searching for any hint of a lie. Then he turns away and strides back down the forested path.

Tydus' friend comes beside him. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Navy dogs. I never trusted them." He spits on the ground.

"But it sounds like she may be in trouble."   

Tydus shakes his head. "She's not in trouble. Something else is going on."

"Do you think she'll be alright?"

Tydus smirks. "As long as Faye is with her, she'll be fine."

Moments later, Faye runs down the rocky crest of the beach and locates a nearby group of marines. She flags them down, calling them to her aide. 

When she arrives in front of them, she catches her breath and attempts to act frantic. "Oh, thank goodness I found you!" She exclaims.

The marines come in front of her. "Are you alright, ma'am?" One asks.

"No! You're looking for my daughter, correct?"

"Are you her mother? Faye?"

"Yes, that's me!"

"Well then come with us, we'll lead you to--"

"No! Listen! I found her."

"You did?! Where is she?!"

"Last I saw, she was running that way down the beach, heading east with a group of men. Tell everyone you can!" She points in the opposite direction of the lighthouse. "Please, go, hurry!" She commands.

"Right away--come on!" The squad leader runs forward and waves his crew to follow. Faye stands still and watches them run up the beach. Then she turns and runs back in the direction of the lighthouse.

As the marines stomp through the sand, another officer steps onto the path behind them, observing Faye. It is the same officer who battled Chong earlier that day. He removes his sword from his back, then briskly begins to follow her footsteps. 

When Aiku and Dani finally arrive at the base of the lighthouse, with small backpacks bouncing on their shoulders, they stop and gaze up at the structure, steadying their rapid heartbeats. 

"We made it!" Dani remarks, relived. 

Aiku looks to him. "Now what?"

Dani points to an iron stairwell on the side of the wall. "The stairs are right here. Let's get up to the very top!"


They hastily make their way up the stairs and come to the glass tip of the stone lighthouse. As the light rotates, it shines on their figures, illuminating their bodies. Dani notices and quickly orders Aiku to stay low and out of sight. 

Aiku clings to Dani. "Dani...I'm scared." She admits.

Dani comforts her gently. "It's okay, don't worry."

"When will mommy be here?"

"Not much longer now. Just sit here with me. Everything we be alright."

Soon after, Faye finally arrives at the base of the lighthouse. She jumps onto the stairs and runs to the very top. When she reaches the crown, she looks around anxiously, struggling to see anything in the darkness. But to her great relief, she sees her children safe, huddled together underneath the radiant light. 

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