"What is it?" Rogers asked softly.

"Garrett," Natasha spoke softly. Her eyes stayed locked with Clint's, "This mission report," She stopped. "It details an attempt to take down Lisov and The Red Room. It says they were successful in destroying the operation and his attempts at recreating the serum."

"The serum," Agent Hill asked. "As in Cap's serum?"

"Yes, Agent Hill," Natasha nodded. "The report details the facility they found and the bodies of the failed subjects. Garrett's report states they blew up the facility with everyone inside." Clint squeezed her arm softly. "The report wouldn't throw up a red flag to anyone, unless they knew of Lisov's continued operation. It would have been a month after I saw him with Lisov. Garrett had to have had a hand in this deception."

"Natasha," Clint whispered her name softly. "Do you think this is enough proof?"

"I don't know," Natasha shook her head. "Agent Hill?"

"You need to take it to Fury, he will know if it's enough," Agent Hill sighed.

"Who is Lisov?" The Captain spoke up. "And how are you connected to him?" He paused, "That is if you don't mind my asking, Agent Romanoff. Don't answer if you don't want to."

Natasha paused, raising her eyebrow, asking Clint if she should share the information. At his encouraging nod, she sighed, meeting the Captain's eyes for a moment. "Captain, if I'm going to answer those two questions you'd better start using our first names."

"Then you must call me, Steve," He returned the gesture.

"Maria," Agent Hill spoke up as well.

"I'm trusting you both with this," Natasha met their eyes. "It will become necessary for you to understand the kind of man Lisov is. He will not stop." She paused to lock eyes with Clint, rather than face the others. "Viktor Lisov, the leader of the Red Room, is one of several men who trained me to become the Black Widow. Along with Pyotr Medvedev, his lieutenant, he took one hundred girls in two groups to be trained." Natasha maintained her blank facade as she spoke. "They kidnapped them, killed their families, took them from the streets, did whatever they had to to make sure no one would look for them. The goal was to train them into the best spies and assassins the world had ever seen. Most were between five and eight and the oldest was ten. The girls were put into training immediately. Academics, fighting, ballet, gymnastics, weapons, languages, manipulation and seduction. They began experimenting on anyone who failed, attempting to enhance them physically and mentally. Girls who weren't up to their standards began to vanish after the first year. Some were replaced by new girls, others weren't. Sparring started a few months later, each girl getting graded on every fight. Eventually, Lisov and Medvedev pitted the girls against each other, whittling them down to the last ten. Then two, then one." She stopped, closing her eyes at the memories. She felt Clint grip her forearm harder, wordlessly anchoring her. She took a breath to pull herself together. "I had eight years of training before my first mission. When I was successful, Lisov allowed Medvedev to go ahead with further experimentation including memory wipes. Their goal was the ultimate, perfect weapon, one that would obey only them. The brainwashing wore off, becoming less effective. Five years of running missions for Lisov, I didn't know anything else. I couldn't see a way out." She sighed, "There was no way out."

"How did you end up swapping sides then?" Steve asked, cautious of how much he was prying. Of the two spies, Natasha had been the most private. The most distant from the team, often preferring not to join them for team events. Clint hadn't been much better, although he had joined them, he seemed to prefer not to share more than odd quips about his 'carnie days'. "Three and a half years ago, I was sent on an assassination." Natasha replied, "Two targets, high priority. The mission was to enter a gala, mingle to confirm the targets' presence, then retreat to a sniper post already set up on the roof across the street." Natasha finally raised her eyes back to Clint's. "I left the party and tried to run. Somehow Medvedev knew and was waiting outside, he dragged me across the street. I was forced onto the rooftop to complete the mission." A sad smirk graced her face and her eyes dropped again, "I made sure both shots missed, despite knowing the consequences."

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