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The boardroom of the Armed Detective Agency was filled with an air of anticipation and tension. You, having returned from your perilous adventure, now found yourself seated next to Ranpo, his hand resting comfortably on your thigh.

At the head of the table, the President commanded attention with his dominant presence. You leaned forward, eyes fixed on him as you handed over the file that contained vital information you had gathered regarding the Decay of Angels' nefarious plans. The room grew silent, all eyes focused on the exchange between you and the President.

With a firm resolve, you met the President's gaze with unwavering determination. The weight of the knowledge you carried settled upon your shoulders, fuelling your conviction. The President's eyes, like twin pools of liquid steel, glistened with an otherworldly brilliance. They possessed a mesmerising hue, a metallic shade of blue that seemed to capture the essence of the night sky reflected upon the surface of a tranquil lake. Within those captivating eyes, one could discern a profound depth, as if peering into the vast expanse of the universe itself. The metallic blue held a hint of mystery, an enigmatic allure that seemed to hold secrets untold.

As the President began to explain what he had learned about the dangerous yet enigmatic book that had plagued the entire nation, the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly charged. Your heart quickened, knowing that the next course of action hinged on the information about to be revealed.

"The book," the President began, his voice steady yet tinged with a hint of intrigue, "is a supernatural artefact coveted by various factions of ability users. Its location remains a mystery, but a precognitive ability user has foreseen that the book is sealed within the confines of Yokohama."

Your mind raced, absorbing each word, your eyes flickering to Ranpo beside you. The touch of his hand on your thigh served as a silent reassurance, a reminder of the strength you shared.

The President continued, delving deeper into the nature of the book. "A page of the book has been stolen and currently resides in the possession of Fyodor. The single page holds the same power of the sealed book itself. Its pages are blank, yet when written upon, the words hold the omnipotence to shape reality."

The implications of such a power hung in the air, the room filled with a mix of awe and trepidation.

"The book is said to be impervious to flame or any kind of special ability," the President added, his voice laced with a note of caution. "However, it is not without its restrictions. The text written within it must maintain a consistent causal relationship, demanding narrative consistency. It requires the events to unfold naturally, following the flow of a story. Additionally, for desired events to manifest, certain actions must be undertaken by the user themselves."

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