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As Poe and you stepped through the imposing doors of the police station, a sense of authority and purpose permeated the air. The bustling atmosphere was alive with the hum of urgent conversations and the occasional chirping of telephones, creating a symphony of law and order. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint aroma of paperwork, giving the space a distinct bureaucratic fragrance.

Your gaze scanned the surroundings, taking in the orderly chaos that surrounded you. Walls adorned with commendations and framed achievements stood as testaments to the dedication of the men and women who upheld justice within these precinct walls. However, your attention was soon drawn to a particular room that beckoned from a nearby corridor, like a clandestine sanctuary.

As you and Poe approached the room, the sight that greeted you resembled a miniature classroom frozen in time. A sizable blackboard adorned one wall, its surface marked with chalk traces of countless investigations and theories. The chairs stood in orderly rows, as if awaiting the arrival of eager students hungry for knowledge. It was a setting that bridged the worlds of education and law enforcement, where detectives honed their skills and sought truth amidst the labyrinthine complexities of crime.

But your attention quickly shifted as your eyes fell upon the occupants of the room. There, sitting with a sour expression on his face, was Makoto, Kaori's brother and a police officer known for his prickly demeanour. His presence radiated an air of annoyance that seemed to permeate the very atmosphere around him. Despite this, you mustered a polite smile and greeted Kaori, her presence providing a welcome respite amidst the tension.

"Good to see you, Kaori," you said, your voice laced with warmth and sincerity. In return, she offered a polite nod and a smile, her own composure unwavering. Her presence exuded a sense of calm and professionalism, a stark contrast to the bristling energy emanating from her brother.

Turning your attention to Makoto, you couldn't resist the urge to playfully tease him. "Ah, Officer Makoto, always a pleasure," you greeted, a twinkle of mischief in your eyes. However, your teasing words were met with a cold silence. Makoto simply ignored your greeting, his sour expression deepening, as if unwilling to engage in any form of banter or camaraderie.

Undeterred, you took a seat beside Poe, allowing a sense of camaraderie to envelop the room, even amidst the prickly atmosphere. The blackboard loomed over the gathering, a silent witness to the unfolding drama and the secrets that awaited unravelling. In this room of knowledge and investigation, you braced yourself for the imminent unveiling of truths, prepared to navigate the intricate dance of law and order that lay ahead.

Five minutes passed in anticipation, the air thick with curiosity and the promise of revelations. And just as the tension reached its peak, the room's door swung open, revealing the entrance of none other than Ranpo himself. Clad in a pristine white shirt that accentuated his sharp features, he exuded an air of effortless elegance. The glasses perched upon his nose added a touch of intellectual allure, framing his piercing eyes that held a glimmer of excitement.

Conundrum | Ranpo Edogawa ✓Where stories live. Discover now