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You let out a cry of astonishment.

So it had all been an illusion! Azoth was never real; she was like a shimmering mirage. Your mind swirled in dizziness, making it difficult to remain composed. Goosebumps formed on your skin, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

Kaori and her brother appeared equally dumbfounded. The four of you fixed your gaze on Ranpo, craving his next revelation.

"Now, naturally, body parts cannot be affixed together with opaque tape," Ranpo continued, his tone detached. "Therefore, Keiko required something akin to glue. The concept of Azoth itself was so macabre that the notion of assembling the body parts of different girls never crossed anyone's mind. Everyone assumed that the missing head had been utilised for Azoth, the epitome of supreme beauty. For four decades, the enigmatic smile of this imaginary figure has captivated people, as if it were a masterpiece of Renaissance art. In this case, the killer employed perspective to craft the perfect tableau of the murders. But Azoth existed solely at the vanishing point. No one ever considered the possibility that the girl without a head could still be alive. Indeed, Azoth was never brought to life, not even in the killer's imagination. Furthermore, she was never meant to exist. Well, I'm confident that you can unravel the remaining pieces of this mystery on your own. Thank you for listening."

A moment of disbelief held you captive, rendered speechless by the abrupt cessation of Ranpo's revelations. It was as if the floodgates of inquiry had been prematurely sealed, leaving all four of you thirsting for more knowledge. In a fervent outcry, you implored him not to halt his discourse, by shouting, "wait! You can't just stop there!" While being aware that a multitude of questions lingered within you, eager to be set free.

Ranpo, ever the master of nonchalance, arched an eyebrow and savoured his hot chocolate with deliberate leisure, savouring the suspense that thickened the air. Your mind spun in a dizzying frenzy, akin to standing in a forest where the trees assumed the shape of enigmatic question marks. It was an emotional tempest that shook these arboreal conundrums to their core, unleashing an avalanche of inquiries.

The torrent of your bewildered thoughts cascaded forth.

"But who was the culprit? Why were some bodies buried deep while others were shallow? Did the placement of the bodies truly have a connection to astrology? How were the locations chosen? Does the order in which the bodies were discovered matter? What was the killer's primary motive? Where did she hide herself? And what is the true meaning behind Hiroshi's note?"

"Well, Miss [L/N], I'm surprised at your interest in such intricate details!" Ranpo remarked with a smile. "You don't usually pay attention when I discuss matters of importance. It seems I am now praising the killer, and perhaps rightfully so. Keiko Sudo executed these murders with remarkable brilliance, deserving our admiration. If I were a killer myself, I am certain I would have carried them out in the same manner. It's a pity we cannot hear the explanation directly from her. But would you like me to continue?"

Conundrum | Ranpo Edogawa ✓Where stories live. Discover now