Take the barrier down.

Take the barrier down.

Take the barrier down,

Take the barr–

"My love you can stop now, I can hear you once more." Jane said and I opened my eye and turned to her, "Thank you,"

"Of course, I never want you to not hear me." I told her, and she squeezed my hand softly and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I never want not hear you either," At her words I remembered that now that I have  Learned control, I should be able to do a spell that will allow me to hear her thoughts.

"You will not be learning any spells until a few days, when your body has healed completely," Galya said firmly, and I turned to meet her sterned gaze.

"A few days? But I've been out for three days, my body's been healing in that time and there's no telling How much time we have, and we don't know if they'll try to attack again I need to learn–"

"April," Mom spoke for the first time, and at her Stern tone I turned to meet her even  More sterned gaze. "You will listen to her and do as she says, and she's right, I can tell and feel that your body needs more time to heal."

"But–" This time I'm cut off by Jane,

"No buts, my love. they are right, your body needs more time." At her words I turned my gaze down to my hand and squeezed it together tightly,

As much as I want to learn now, and as much as I hate to admit it they are right,
I do feel weak and My body does need more time to heal, At least two to three more days,  As much as I hate it.

"Okay." I said low, And Jane squeezed my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I know you want to learn now, But my love healing and resting for a few more days will not do any damage."

"I know." I sighed, before turning my gaze backup to meet Galyas. "Can I at least have some spellbooks to read, well I'm healing?"

"Of course," She answered with a slight smile, "Me and Adela were bring you our  Favorites,"

"Thank you,"

"April sweetie," Grandma said softly getting my attention, and I turned to her. "are you hungry?"

Before I could answer my stomach let out a deep growl, and my cheeks turned a slight shade of pink of embarrassment as a few  Chuckles echoed through the room.

"I will take that as a yes," She smiled, "What would you like?"

"Anything's fine, thank you." She nodded at my words, and before I could blink my eye she was gone.

"Ap," Austin spoke for the first time, and I turned to meet his hurt and sad gaze in the corner.

"Austin, I'm glad to see that you are better," I gave him a soft yet weak smile, which he returned and took a few steps closer.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here April, I'm sorry I–"

"This is not your fault, Austin." I cut him off, "this is nobody's fault but Define's." Her name rolled from my lips in a malice tone,  and I clinched my left hand together.

She's going to pay for what she's done.
oh, I'm going to make her pay for what she's done.

"April, control your anger, do not let it get the best of you." Galya said firmly, and I took a few deep calming breaths doing as told.

I'm going to have to be careful about my emotions and anger, I can't risk losing control.

"I'm still sorry April," Austin said and I turned my gaze back to him. "You saved my life, and when I heard what happened despite what my father and brother said, I immediately came here. You saved my life and I wasn't here to protect yours, I feel like a Bad friend." He held his head down In shame, and I slightly shook mine.

You kept me waiting Long enough Jane volturi's mateWhere stories live. Discover now