Start from the beginning

"Anyway mine is sharper." Daryl notes as he too noticed Julia move away but he ignored it knowing finding this girl was a priority right now. Plus-.... He had an idea why she moved away as his thoughts lingered on her back.

Daryl stabs the Walker aggressively as his mind had still been on Julia's scar that said whore. Rick seemed to look at him funny too wondering if that was actually a necessary step, to stab the skin so harsh.

Julia seemed to jump as the knife forcibly went into the skin. Her eyes glazed over as her mind went elsewhere....


It was Julia's wedding day, she stood in the church taking pictures for a wedding album with her bridesmaids. The ceremony hadn't started yet and Julia felt sick to her stomach,

"I uh- I need to use the restroom." Julia excuses herself and rushes to the small bathroom locking the door as she approaches a porcelain sink and looks up into the mirror. Her breathing was growing frantic at nothing particular as she tried to catch her breath.

At 16 years old she had dark bags under her eyes, her skin abnormally pale.

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I CANT-!" Julia smashes her fist into the mirror and it shatters into pieces on the floor making Julia stare in shock at first. But then her grandmothers words about raising the baby how she should have been played in her mind. All of the old pastors touches since she was 13 years old played in her mind.

She felt filthy.

Looking up in what was left of the mirror she saw fragmented versions of herself in the glass. 

Slowly bending down Julia grabs the largest shard of glass and holds it tight enough in her hand it cuts her palm and fingers. Looking up once more in the fragmented mirror Julia takes a deep breath. "God..... may you forgive me." Juli whispers as she takes the glass and feeling in-pales her stomach.

A blood curdling scream leaves her not due to the pain..... but due to her adrenaline as she then moves the glass a bit to the side trying to hit an organ. Trying to die quick.

Her scream alerted others and bangs could be heard on the other side of the door. Julia cried harder and harder as she finally pulled the glass out. Blood stained her white wedding dress quickly, her hands cradling her stomach as she falls to the ground laying her back feeling faint.

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry." She whimpers as she holds her bleeding stomach and the bathroom light seemed to grow brighter.

For a moment Julia believed to have made it heaven.

Then the light dimmed and blackness clouded her vicious and conscious, in that moment Julia knew she was being banished to hell. Being told your a sinner all your life you don't expect anything less. But- for one fleeting moment Julia had truly believed that she was being accepted despite everyone's warnings.

As her eyes peeled open- Julia saw something far worse then pits of fire and Satan sitting on a throne.

It was a nurse trying to save her, Julia began thrashing begging to die but the nurse and doctors kept profusely telling her no.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now