Pre Twilight

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Family is all

Family is all

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Honey and River

Ran thought their home. "Melody keep up" Honey rushed the younger girl

The Westwood family was heavily respected,Lolita birthed four children though her first was as light as snow thought it was explainable, Reid's mother was a fair skinned which rubbed off on the boy so there was that.

He would often get comments about his lighter skin but never complained about it,he liked looking different it made him feel special,that's all he ever wanted really for someone to tell him he's special.

Melody rolled her green eyes trying her best to keep up,she was thirteen the age everything went to shit.

She was rather small for her age only standing at 5'0 but she was taller than honey whom stood at 4'11.

They also had a little sister Pearl who was 1 at the time,she was as sweet as pumpkin pie. But the matter of fact was they were happy a happy family that was torn apart by tragedy.


"M'k I need you two to go into to town,I need carrot's and Sweet potatoes" Lolita spoke over the large table,stuffing her mouth,the duo nodded "Oh can Pearl come with you we have to get Melody ready for the ball later" Lolita spoke up once again,Lolita was quite the chatter box but nobody cared enough to correct her

"Yes mama" Honey sweeting voice jumped off the walls into their eardrums "River?" Lolita blinked at the boy "Yeah mother I have to deliver something to Mr.Baker and Mrs.Baker" he grinned thinking of something "Don't care just don't leave my girl's alone" she grinned going back to her plate of food. Honey was only 15 whiles River was 16 waiting to be 17. But River had a dirty secret that would not only coast him his but his whole family's life.


As soon as they reached the market river ran to the baker residence,Honey didn't care much about any of that she only walked deeper into the crowd of people Pearl clinging onto her hand tight

"Let's hurry so we can get back to mama" she spoke to the little child who giggled in response "Mh mama miss me" the little girl lead the way to the carrot station "Hello Mr.Lyn" she spoke to the handsome man infront of her "Hi Honey" he said his eyes filled with lust from the oh so pretty girl "So are Lolita and Reid still doing that ball?" He asked packing up the carrot's for her to go "Mh" she said "Uh you remember that one thing we did right?" He asked her.

She nodded her head up and down remembering his tongue all over her,inside her "Uh when I come to ball tonight make sure to keep a room open for us" he laughed,she nodded her head yes not knowing she was being manipulated by a 'Family Friend' "See you Later Mr.Lyn" She whispered "What did I tell you to call me" he said raising his eyebrow "Master" she corrected herself before taking of the the sweet potato section.

Long story short this was the worst decision of her fucking life


If Honey was only two things it would be 1. gullible and 2. Innocent that's just how it went she had a sweet aura that usually drew men to her,and yes I mean men not boy's to her but one of the first was Jameson Lyn. When she was ten he gave her a kiss on the lips and squeezed her behind,Her mother hadn't seen this interaction and her father would have killed the man in ways I can't even fathom.

So when she was twelve and it happened again she decided she wouldn't want to cause a problem and kept it to herself,she wouldn't want to be a problem and it didn't happen for a good two months until she turned the ripe age of thirteen.

Her parent threw a big ball to ensure everyone knew their Honey,he took her to the room when nobody was looking told her to take her dress off and lock the door.

Told her she would be a woman and decided to put in two fingers Inside her, He told her it would feel good in a minute and it did but not in the way she'd liked it to. She felt nasty this older man he had to be about 29 and she was barely 13 that was the sickening think about it he thought it was ok

And that made her so mad,but she sat down and let it happen

Since then he had done a lot of things to her,Sexual or not he'd once ate her out in the Westwood lake,he'd made her thigh ride him, he believed as long as his penis was not inside her it wasn't anything wrong with it.

And that's were he went wrong


"Hi mr.Baker" Honey spoke lifting her sister onto her hip,she then realized something.

Mr.Baker was supposed to be with Mrs.Baker

"Hey where's your brother?" He asked, "With your wife of course" she spoke before catching herself "What?" He said storming off of the podium he was standing on "Mr Baker wait" she spoke as he approached the house fling open the door



"What the fuck"

Meeko out

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