"Stupid slime." Lacua said. Lacua looked forward to the tracks before firing off another spell at a switch. Once it hit the switch papa and I were in a different mineshaft before we could hear Lacua laughing. "You're both nothing but baby demon lords. I already know that your borrowing the Storm Dragon Veldora's authority. Without him you're just meddling little monsters!" Lacua said.

"Questiong for ya. What's that up there?" Papa asked, pointing out an ending part of the tracks. Lacua and his minecraft went over the end and into a pit of lava. We looked down before hearing his laughter again before lookingup and seeing him flying. He flew out of the mountain laughing. "Of course he can fly. Which means he's some kind of demon thing." Papa said. 

"Yeah, I felt his power before having to dela iwth him and felt that." I said. We took off and continued our chase after him. As we exited the mountain I felt magic power going crazy and flying everywhere before looking down and seeing Hiiro releasing tons of magic. He went towards the kingdom's castle town and started destroying the area. "Hey what's wrong? Out of breath or something?" Papa asked.

"You really are meddlesome." Lacua said, firing another spell at papa and I. Papa made the spell disappear, by making it look like it hit us before coughing out some smoke. Lacua was shocked to see us unharmed before the doctor that was treating Towa flew up. "Oh hey if it isn't the supposed doctor from before when I examined the queen." Papa said.

"Allow me to handle him master." Ranga said. Papa agreed, hopping off of Ranga's back and using his own wings to fly. Ranga easily dealt with the doctor before we turned back to face Lacua. "Ok, Lacua or was it? I won't want you to be lonely without your friend so let's end this." Papa said. I got ready to fight before papa stopped me. "I need you to go help Benimaru and Shuna." Papa said. I nodded and flew down towards Benimaru and mama to help them. I flew down spotting Benimaru fighting Hiiro in the town. Hiiro was starting to fire off magic again before I landed and absorbed it all with Beelzebuth. "Lady Y/n?" Benimaru asked. 

"Focus on the fight, I'll handle his magic." I ordered. Benimaru nodded before clashing blades with Hiiro again. Their destruction was getting out of hand and I started absorbing as much magic as I could. "How's Hiiro not running out of magic?" I asked myself. I felt magic pouring from above us before looking up and seeing Lacua absorbing magic before trying to explode. Hiiro tried to get a hit on Benimaru while he was distracted for a second by the explosion. Benimaru managed to get out of the way before getting hit. Benimaru abnd Hiiro managed to make it onto a bridge still fighting furiously. Benimaru was getting ready to no longer hold back as he covered his sword in black flames. "Allow me." I said, drawing my sword.

"But lady Y/n..." Benimaru started.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay." I said. I covered my sword in flames and looked at Hiiro. "Let's finish this Hiiro." I said. He charged towards me firing off magic which Rapheal absorbed with Beelzebuth while I dealt the final bloew to Hiiro. The bridge collasped under us before we landed on the ground below. Hiiro was caught under some rubble as we landed ebfore trying to get up. Hiiro went to strike Benimaru, but queen Towa got in the way making Hiiro stop his attack. Hiiro started fighting back trying to take control agian before stabbing himself through the chest. I stepped up and quickly reached inside the hole he made and found the gem that was pouring magic out. I crushed it in my hand before the aura around HIiro faded and he changed back to himself. "Brother!" Benimaru shouted. He up to us as I lowered Hiiro to the ground making sure to be gentle with him. "You know, you sure have gotten stronger young master. You're also following quite a leader." Hiiro said, looking at Benimaru then me. 

"You're still stronger though. I had faith you'd be able to return to your senses on your own." Benimaru said.

"Yes it's because my life isn't just mine alone." Hiiro said. I looked down seeing Hiiro's hand crumbling away. "Unforunately, this is the price for such great power." Hiiro said, laying his head back. Mama and queen Towa came running up to us as papa came flying down. "Benimaru use the full potion!" Papa shouted. 

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