Chapter 57

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Y/n's POV

Once we were through the door and headed deeper into an underground area the room around us started shaking. "Come on hurry!" Papa shouted. We all started running deeper looking for queen Towa and what was causing the shaking in the room. As we went deeper I started hearing screams and wails coming from something not fully human before hearing sstuff crumbling. "Y/n, take point and if something needs to be defeated, do it." Papa said.

"Got it." I said. The room continued shaking as we got closer to an open area where I heard someone talking and laughing. Explosions started going off as something started going on a rampage. I felt some powerful magic starting to activate as I realized what it was. "Papa she's going to use the tiara." I said. Papa looked at me before nodding and speeding up. We made it to an open room where queen Towa was starting to use the tiara before the floor crumbled apart letting everyone fall deep underground. "Let's go Y/n." Papa said. I nodded as he jumped into the hole that was formed. I followed him as we sped up to catch queen Towa. "Sorry we're late." Papa said, catching her.

Papa, mama and I floated down to the ground where the rubble had landed before mama set up a magic barrier. "You'll be safe with us." Mama said. I heard the clash of swords before looking over seeing Benimaru and Hiiro fighting. "What happened to you Hiiro? Tell me." Benimaru said. Hiiro just growled as an aura started flowing off of him. Hiiro yelled before knocking Benimaru back and through a few pillars of stone. I got up and walked outside of the barrier that mama made and stepped in front of Hiiro. "If you want to fight someone, how about me?" I asked, looking up at him. Hiiro yelled before trying to strike me with his sword. I stopped it with my sword and was holding him back. "Come on Hiiro, from what mama and Benimaru said you're supposed to be super strong." I said. I heard something behind me before seeing papa try and chase someone. Hiiro growled and lunged towards papa, but Benimaru burst out of the wall and blocked Hiiro's sword from touching papa. "Lord Rimuru, lady Y/n, I've got this." Benimaru said. 

"Be careful! Shuna you protect the queen! Y/n come with me." Papa ordered. Everyone agreed before I followed after papa using my flight skill. We started racing through the mine managing to catch up to Lacua as he was trying to get away on a minecart. "There he is." Papa said, pointing him out.

"He won't escape." Ranga growled. I nodded in agreement with Ranga before flying a little faster to try and catch up to him. We rounded a corner in the mineshaft and Lacua started firing spells trowards us. "Rapheal." I said. Rapheal responded and used Beelzebuth to consume the magic and stop it from hitting me. Rnaga lunged towards the minecart and swiped at it with his claws managing to take Lacua's hat. Lacua laughed at Ranga for not hitting him before he realized his hat was missing. "My hat. Curse you pesky slime and beastman!" Lacua shouted. I puffe dout my cheek and looked at Lacua in anger. "Lord Rimuru, lady Y/n." Souei said, using thought communication.

"Souei." Papa said.

"The neighboring countries armies have begun to march. They will soon reach Raja's borders." Souei explained.

"Got it, we're kind of busy over here. So first off can youy all hear us?" Papa asked. 

"Keep the loses to a minimum." I started.

"Defeat the enemies if you want, but don't kill anyone if it's not necessary." Papa continued.

"If you have no other choice, then you are to put your own safety first." I finished.

"That clear?" Papa asked. 

"Sir!" Everyone agreed. We continued chasing Lacua as he continued to escape. I was starting to get close to him as he continued firing magic. "What's wrong done playing tag with us already?" Papa taunted. 

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