BONUS CHAPTER - TWO: I Need Her |POV: Felix Fathom

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"Thank you, Chloe." I say, summoning the most sincerity into my tone that I can muster when I have to speak the she-devil's name.

I don't know how Adrien does this every day.

For once, the universe takes pity on me and the blond haired menace turns her attention back to everyone else in the room.

When I glance back over at Kagami, she's redirected her death glare to Chloe.

Nothing draws two people closer together than common enemies.

Kagami is every bit elegant and sophisticated. She looks and acts well beyond her years, and I can't help but want to get to know her.

She's more wise than anyone else in this room. She saw right through me immediately.

As I'm shamelessly eyeing up her figure, thinking of her toned muscles from fencing, and the way her shiny hair is styled short and sweet, I can't help but think she defines exactly what my type is.

I didn't even think I had a type, honestly. Especially not my cousin's ex-girlfriend. Listening to Adrien talk about her before, I pictured someone entirely different.

Not this girl right here. Kagami puts every other person I've ever seen to shame.

I want her.

Suddenly I'm jealous my cousin once dated her. However, I can use that to my advantage. If she thought Adrien was attractive, surely she'll like me even more.

When the room breaks out into chaos because of some witch named Lila showing up, I rush out of my seat towards Kagami.

To my surprise, she was already racing towards me.

Before I can even say anything, she twirls me around and shoves me forwards.

"Run the other way, idiot." She deadpans, and when it becomes clear she's running towards where everyone else is, I quickly grab her.

"Kagami! This way!" I call out, frantically shoving her towards a separate room. Shutting the door quickly, I turn to see a grumpy girl giving me an enticing death glare.

"You're not Adrien." She states in a matter of fact way. "I'm assuming you're Felix."

"You would be correct." I say coolly, not bothering to offer her a smile.

"Where is Adrien?"


"Liar. Where is he?"

"Why? Do you love him?"

"Jealous?" She retorts, her eyebrow cocking in a challenging way.

"So what if I am?" I finally give her a smile, leaning against the wall as I watch her frown deepen.

"I don't appreciate being mocked." She states blandly, though a tint of pink flares up across her cheeks and nose.

"Neither do I."

"I never mocked you."

"Neither did I." I have to physically stop myself from laughing, thoroughly enjoying getting a rise out of her.

"You can stop speaking now." She huffs, walking over to the window to see what's going on outside. "That's not good."

"Nothing is ever good around here." I approach her from behind, peering over her shoulder to see the commotion outside. I brush against her back ever so slightly, relishing in the way she tenses up. I notice the reflection of her rosy cheeks on the window.

"Do you only speak in singular sentences?" She comments, her tone flat as she watches Ladybug having a slow interaction with a girl I presume is Lila.

"Depends, do you usually interrogate people upon meeting them?"

"Yes. Do you always respond to a question with another question?" She finally snaps her attention back to me, and I fill with pride when she doesn't shove me away.

"Only when I'm being interrogated." I grin, watching her lips press into a thin line. "Is your face stuck in a permanent frown?"

"Only when I'm surrounded by idiots."  She shoots back, making me smile. I like her attitude.

"You hardly know me." I point out, leaning against the window as I peer down at her. She raises an eyebrow, that constant unimpressed look makes me crave her attention.

I want to watch her fall for me. Whatever I have to do to achieve that, I'm going to.

"I have no intentions on getting to know you. You'll fulfill your role as the stand-in Adrien, and then you'll go back to wherever you came from." She looks back out the window, and boy does that ever frustrate me.

Most girls throw themselves at me, yet here I am finally interested in one and she won't even give me the time of day.

"So what you're saying is if I stay, you'll get to know me?"


"Why not?" I challenge, watching her snap her attention back towards me.

"Because boys like you are nothing but trouble. I have goals and a strict schedule. I don't have spare time to waste." She glares at me, but I don't miss that first thing she mentioned.

"Boys like me? As in boys who are good looking and intelligent?" She lets out a loud snort, rolling her eyes.

"You're so infuriating."

"You didn't say I'm not attractive." I grin at her, watching her rosy cheeks as her lip curls in disgust. She's good at this game.

Or maybe she really isn't into me.

"Yes. You're attractive, but your attitude is annoying and I haven't met you long enough to decide if you're intelligent or not. So no, I'm not interested."

"Not interested yet." I shoot back, pretending she didn't just bruise my previously unabashed ego.

"Why are you so hell bent on my approval?" She questions, and if it weren't for the look of genuine confusion I would have thought she's being purposefully oblivious.

"Because I'm attracted to you." I shrug, watching her pull back with wide eyes as if she can't believe what I just said. "What? You must know how pretty and sharp you are."

"Flattery will get you no where. I know my self worth." She huffs, turning her attention back to the fight taking place outside.

I place two fingers under her chin, forcing her to look back at me. When she does, her bewildered eyes and laboured breath damn near makes me break my resolve. I notice she doesn't pull back or shove me away.

"I don't need to layer you in platitudes to get what I want. I'm certain with time you'll enjoy my company. I see you for what you are, the same way as you saw me when I first walked in. It's your confidence that draws me to you." I realize I've been leaning in and pull back as she gives me an expressionless stare.

Slow and steady wins this race. Even if it's just temporary, I'm determined to make Kagami desire me. When I go back home, she can move on to someone else.

But while I'm here, I want her all to myself. Make her forget about any other person she's ever had her sights on.

I walk away, filling with pride over the fact she hasn't recovered from that little stunt yet. Adrien has made a commotion downstairs, so I suppose it's time for everyone to gear up and be directed.

"Felix?" I pause with my hand on the doorknob, turning to see Kagami inches away from me, glaring daggers as she reaches out to grab my collar and yank my face down to hers.

I suck in a breath, staring at her beautiful blue eyes as she leans in and connects our lips. The kiss sends shivers down my spine, awakening my whole body like it's been shocked with a lightning bolt.

When she pulls away, she shoves me back slightly making me stumbled in my dazed state.

"One thing when it comes to me, Felix. You don't call the shots. I do." I watch her as I stand breathless in the room, zeroed in on the way she walks down the hallway. Composed and professional, not at all like we just shared the most intense kiss I've ever experienced.

Maybe I was wrong. Kagami might be the one to make me forget about everyone and everything, ready to give it my all and commit to a woman like that.

Talk to Me, Princess | Marichat - Miraculous LadybugTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang