Chapter Forty One - So Dawn Goes Down To Day

Start from the beginning

It's a match made in heaven. We'll both have our own careers, but those careers can intertwine here and there to be mutually beneficial for us both. It's the perfect plan.

I won't lie, I wasn't sure I'd get accepted. However, not only did they accept me, but they also gave me a full scholarship! There are quite a few conditions, like maintaining an average above 80% throughout my entirety of schooling, and having good attendance. But I'm certain I can do that, no problem. To my surprise, being Ladybug actually helped me get the scholarship. A lot of schools were reaching out to me, offering me whatever they could to make me choose them. I suppose being a superhero was a rather impressive extracurricular. A lot of schools wanted to say they were the university that Ladybug attended.

Adrien wasn't as lucky, since we've managed to keep his identity as Chat Noir a secret. He may not have received any scholarships, but he did get accepted into NYU in the first place, which is still incredibly impressive. That school has an acceptance rate of 13%. His admission was deserving of a celebration in its own.

Since I was a little girl, my parents always put money aside for me so I could go to school without worries of how I was going to afford it. They were so happy that I managed to get a scholarship, which meant they wouldn't have to cough up their life savings. Despite saying they have more money set aside, I knew that spending so much money would stress them out.

However, they're still giving a good chunk of that money to me to help pay for an apartment in New York that Adrien and I can live in together while we're going to school. We're both so excited, already having found a cute and cozy place not too far from either of our schools. We've already been accepted into the unit, with the move in date of September 1st.

Nathalie isn't able to help Adrien move for obvious reasons, but his bodyguard and Felix are going to give him assistance. And it should go without saying that my parents will be coming for the big move too, to give me a hand getting all my stuff there as well.

My mom randomly cries here and there, because for the first time ever I'm going to be pretty far from them. I'm talking almost 6,000 kilometres away. It makes me nervous too, but I know that Adrien and I are going to be okay. As well as my parents, they'll be fine without me. In fact, it will do them good to be able to have so much alone time together.

I'm actually really excited to start this new chapter of my life. The idea of things changing isn't nearly as daunting anymore. Rather, like a refresher knowing that I can freely move on in a city where no one will immediately recognize me as Marinette, the person behind the Ladybug mask.

Thankfully though, people in Paris never did attack or despise me as much as I feared they would. Sure, I still had some hate pages made about me, but they were taken down swiftly by Alya's super social media skills. I don't know how she did it, but she did.

Adrien got into a tussle with one person about it, defending my honour. But other than that, just like he predicted, it blew over and became a thing of the past.

"Good morning, sweetie." My mom calls out, finishing up a big breakfast filled with my favourite things. "I know you have a big day ahead of you with all your friends, so I made a huge celebratory breakfast!"

Big day is a bit of an understatement. Not only are we having a beach party, but Adrien and I have to go see Master Fu afterwards. Tikki and I have spent a lot of time together these last few weeks because I have a sneaking suspicion Master Fu will be taking our Miraculous back before we leave for New York.

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