Chapter 11

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They now know due to Sans's outburst, that Sans was actually Izuku Midoryia. Aizawa asks "How did you turn into a skeleton?" Izuku could not stand to be in this room any longer. "When you sent me through the damn portal, I got turned into this." They seemed satisfied with the answer he gave them but they continued to ask questions. Izuku was getting restless with the amount of questions being asked and yelled "YOU ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS!" Nezu looks at him and says "We just want to help Izuku." Izuku scoffed at the statement and glared daggers at them. Aizawa said "Midoryia we need you to tell us what happened when you were in that world." Izuku reluctantly agreed to tell them what happened.

Time skip~

"So you went crazy due to a endless genocide loop caused by a kid?" Aizawa said with confusion. Izuku replied "Yeah that sums up what basically happened to me." Nezu looked distant for a bit then asked Izuku "Would you like to continue studying here?" Izuku thought hard for a bit before replying. "I don't think that it's a good idea." Nezu simply looked at him and said "If you don't feel comfortable using your real name, we can call you Sans." Izuku felt more comfortable with that idea. "I would like that. But what about my magic, it's not really a quirk." Izuku said. Aizawa said "We can classify it as a quirk. What kind of magic do you have?" Izuku says "I have..."

Time for a cliffhanger~
I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far.

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