Chapter 5

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Izuku continues to train his bone magic. He starts to get tired and goes back to the house. Once he gets home he says "Papyrus I'm home." Papyrus says "Welcome home Sans. How was training?" Izuku says "It was alright, I still had trouble summoning more then one bone." Papyrus gives him a soft smile and says "It's okay, I think you just need more practice." Izuku walks up to his room and goes to sleep.

Time skip~
Izuku is now the judge and frisk had fallen into the underground.

Frisk walks out the ruins after killing Toriel. Their pupils are red and they are covered in monster dust. They make their way to a bridge with a gate, but the bars are wide enough for them to pass through. Izuku walks up behind them and say "Human, don't you know how to greet a new pal?" Frisk turns around to see Izuku stick his hand out for a handshake. Frisk shakes his hand and hears the woopie cushion go off. Frisk is not fazed by it. Izuku says "Uh your cue to laugh." He then noticed that they are covered in dust. "Better keep a eye on them." He thinks as he sees frisk walk off.

Time skip~

Frisk walks to the edge of Snowdin, where Papyrus is waiting. Frisk makes quick work of Papyrus, he then turns to dust. Frisk then walks to Waterfall, while Izuku watched what Frisk did to Papyrus. Izuku walks to his pile of dust and picks up his scarf. Izuku vows to get revenge for everyone.

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