Chapter 4

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"Sure." Papyrus says then puts his hand in front of Izuku. Izuku's soul turned blue, he couldn't move. "So it's just for containing your enemy?" Papyrus says "Well it depends on how you use it." Izuku is puzzled by this. Papyrus then lifts up his arm, lifting Izuku as well. "Wow, not only is it for containment but can be used as an attack too." Papyrus then lowers his arm, making Izuku float downwards to the ground. Once Izuku reached the ground, Papyrus says "Now try it on me." Izuku raises his arm in front of Papyrus's chest. Papyrus's soul turns blue. Papyrus says "Good job Sans. Now try lifting me up." Izuku raises his arm upwards, moving Papyrus with it. Izuku then moves his arm downwards, putting Papyrus on the ground. Izuku asks "Is there anything else I should know?" Papyrus thinks for a moment. "Let me check your stats." Izuku is puzzled but agrees to let him do it. Papyrus checks Izuku's stats, HP 1 LV 1 ATK 5 DEF 3. Papyrus is shocked "You only have one HP Sans. But don't worry, I the Great Papyrus will make sure nothing happens to you." Izuku is shocked by having one HP but calms himself. "Thanks Papyrus. I'll practice my bone magic so I can at least defend myself." Papyrus is still worried about Izuku but he believes he'll be fine. "OK Sans if you say so." Papyrus leaves Sans in the clearing so he can practice his magic.

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