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My full name is Mariela Anna Delgado, Marie for short.

My first name came from a celebrity. My mother loves this actress named Mariela morales. She would spend hours watching her soap operas. Mariela was a comfort that my mother sought solace in when she first moved away from her home to America completely alone and lost. And so, that's where my first name comes from.

But almost everybody calls me Marie. I mean I live in America and granted it's California, but people have difficulty pronouncing it correctly. So people just call me Marie. Except for my Latin family in Columbia and my mom.

My middle name comes from my great grandmother. At the time that mami moved here, her grandmother just died. My mom was always super close with her grandmother and so she carried the memory of her grandma with her until she had me, and gave me her name.

And my last name... well it comes from my father, sadly. He's not really worth mentioning, he's a dead beat.

But here I am, a 11 year old girl with a yearn to travel and learn about fashion. I love fashion and I'm desperate to go into the fashion industry. It's my dream. I hope to one day go to Columbia or nyu and then get a job in fashion, hopefully in some glamorous and luxurious major city, like New York City, or Paris, or Milan.

But I know my dreams are not uncommon, they're so common that people laugh in your face when you tell them that that is your dream.

But it's okay, god I hope it'll be okay.

I also just recently had a major life change. My mom married this rich white guy named jay. He seems a little cruel, but I mean there's nothing too bad about him. He keeps to himself, and I keep to myself.

And he seems to like me more than my twin brother manny.

Manny and I... we'll we're a complicated mess. We love each other and talk to each other about everything, but he's critical of stuff I do and I'm too protective of him. However we're extremely similar in our goals and hobbies, so we work together, and sometimes compete with each other. We also both have a crippling coffee addiction. Manny can't live without cappuccinos and I can't live without iced coffees.

Now for my mom, I love her. She's my favorite person in the entire world, no, universe. We bond over our shopping addiction and the need to be pretty. I know that sounds stupid. But let me explain. We're always at the mall; we get our nails done, buy makeup, try on clothes, get smoothies. And everything else you can think of, and of course jay pays for all of it. But that's all kinda so we can be pretty, cause I mean it's like a gene that we got. I obviously got it from my mom, but we both have no idea where she got that gene from. I'm also more connected to my Latin roots than my brother manny is, so me and my mom often speak Spanish with one another.

Then there's my dad, we'll he's pretty much a deadbeat who I see a couple times a year. He just enters into my life and pretend everything is fine. But it's not. It's not normal for a dad to barely see his kids. He doesn't even know me. And whilst I've gotten used to this and expect it from him, manny hasn't. It makes me sad and protective, he still looks at our dad like he's a dad. And I envy that, but I also feel bad for him.

It's a complicated balance.

And then of course there's my extended family...

I have a huge extended family I mean there's; Claire, Phil, Hayley who is my idol, Alex who is also my idol, Luke, cam, and Mitchell.

I'm not close to Claire, she's kinda stand-off ish with me and my mom. And she seems too high strung. I watch my mom try to hang out with Claire all the time and Claire is always rude and says no to her. So I don't bother getting to know her.

Now Phil, we're not really close, but he's encouraging, sweet, and funny. So I don't have too much to say about him

I have the exact same type of relationship with cam.

Now with Mitchell, I'm probably the closest with him out of all the other adults in this family. We get together every now and then to just talk and go out for coffee. We don't really have much in common that we like to do, but we're close for some reason.

Luke, ah Luke. He's just kinda... stupid. I know that sounds mean, but he's just not really the type of person I hang out with, despite him being my age.

Alex, she's super nice and she's my academic inspiration. She's also taught me how to be more of a feminist. Not that I wasn't before, but I'm a better feminist now (if that makes sense). I always hang with her when the family gets together.

And last but not least, Hayley. I love Hayley sm. She's my fashion inspiration and just inspiration in general (besides my mom). She's everything I hope to be when I'm older, except with Alex's intelligence. But we're always hanging out at social gatherings and she's always talking to me about boys, and vis versus.

Come along with me on this journey of my life <3

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