you'll be a great Father ~

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Naruko's innocent eyes widened. "Don't say such things please!"

Sasuke chuckled. "I was joking."

Naruko huffed and looked away with a pout.

Sasuke bit his lips to prevent from bursting out laughing. His wife was so adorable, Sasuke wanted to kiss away that pout. But not wanting her to get uneasy, Sasuke settled for wrapping his arm around her thin waist and gluing her to his side.

Sasuke kissed his wife's temple as they kept walking. People kept watching and greeting them as they passed. Naruko tried to take in everything in her sight, wanting to learn her way around. As Sasuke showed her around, telling her about the little history of the village, of how it was founded by the Uchiha and Senju.

Naruko was listening to Sasuke attentively but she looked up to her husband confused as Sasuke stopped walking suddenly.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as Neji Hyuuga left the Hyuuga compound along with his wife, Hinata, and his children. Naruko must have felt his distress, because she felt a squeeze from him and he squeezed their entwined fingers back, reassuring Naruko that everything was fine.

"Oh," Neji smirked as he saw Sasuke. "Uchiha."

"Hyuuga," Sasuke acknowledged his rival's presence.

As far as Sasuke could remember, Neji and he were always opposing each other. Whether it be in the academy or in their missions, there was always a tension between them. They both thought they were better than the other, but a tiny voice inside of Sasuke was telling him that Neji was superior to him in a way. He had something Sasuke lacked even to this day. Children.

"This is my wife," Sasuke said as he held Naruko against his side tightly. "Naruko Uchiha of Uzumaki."

"Nice to meet you," Neji bowed his head slightly.

"W-Welcome to K-Konoha, Uzumaki-san," Hinata stuttered out with pink cheeks.

Naruko wasn't sure if she made the young woman uncomfortable with her presence but still, she smiled. "Thank you, it's so nice meeting you both."

The woman blushed even more as she started rocking the baby she was holding. Another baby, four at most, was clinging to her leg while he watched Naruko with big, lavender eyes.

Smiling, Naruko kneeled down. "Hello."

The boy's eyes widened and he tried to hide himself under the long skirt Hinata was wearing.

"He's a bit shy," Neji said with his voice hard. "Takes after his mother."

Naruko stood up with a smile. "I'm sure he'll blossom when he grows up," she looked at the baby Hinata was holding. "Another boy?"

"N-No," Hinata shook her head. "It's a g-girl."

"So lovely," Naruko smiled and returned to Sasuke's side. "We are not getting late, are we, Sasuke-sama?"

Sasuke could kiss his wife right then and there and wouldn't mind the gossips that would be told for years to come. It was like magic how Naruko sensed his feelings easily and acted out according to them.

"Yeah," Sasuke nodded. "Have a nice day, Hyuuga."

"Thanks, Uchiha," Neji gave a nod.

They walked away silently for a while.

"You will be a great father," Naruko said with a smile.

Sasuke smiled back dryly. "Will I?"

"Yes," Naruko nodded. "You will always protect our son and support him no matter what, right?"

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