You're gonna be death for me ~

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"D-Dating?" Naruko blinked quickly. "But, we are already married."

"Yeah," Sasuke smirked. "It'll be good, trust me. We will get to know each other and get closer before deepening our relationship, how about that?"

Naruko looked at Sasuke's face blankly for a while, as if trying to register what he was suggesting. Then, a beautiful smile covered her face and she threw herself in Sasuke's arms.

Sasuke chuckled at his wife's enthusiasm and wrapped his arms around her smaller frame tightly. They stayed like that for a while till Sasuke rubbed Naruko's back and retreated back.

"You should change before you catch a cold," Sasuke said.

Naruko nodded with a smile. She didn't want to remind her husband that she couldn't get ill, she liked the attention she was getting.

Sasuke sat down on the bed as his Naruko walked to the changing room. "Your parents are leaving today, aren't they?"

"Yes," Came Naruko's soft reply.

"Don't be sad," Sasuke called out. "We will go to visit Whirlpool together soon. You promised to take me to your secret place, remember?"

"Yes," Naruko emerged from the changing room with a smile. She had changed into a dark red kimono which caused her hair to stand out. "You will love it there!"

"I'm sure of that," Sasuke smiled back as he stood up. "Let's get going, we're waited for the breakfast."

Naruko nodded and taking Sasuke's offered hand, they left their room side by side. They walked to the dining room where everybody was already seated around a long table.

"Good morning!" Kushina was the first to greet them.

Sasuke and Naruko bowed down, greeting the royal families.

"Come, sit here," Mikoto patted the seat beside her and Naruko sat down beside her while Sasuke took the seat across from her. "How are you?" Mikoto asked with a smile as she caressed Naruko's cheek.

"I'm fine, mother," Naruko said softly with a blush.

"Good," Mikoto smiled. She had seen the sheets earlier and she had made sure that everyone in the clan got a glimpse of it. She was happy, knowing that her son finally got a pure wife who was suitable to him.

"You are not putting your veil on anymore?" Minato asked with a smile.

Naruko shook her head. "Sasuke-sama has expressed his desire to see my face unveiled."

Kushina nodded approvingly.

Fugaku smiled at his extended family. "Let's start our breakfast."

Next hour was enjoyable for both of the families. They talked about useless and important things.

Itachi and Shisui teased Naruko about finally seeing her face, causing the new bride get as red as the infamous Uzumaki hair. Mikoto was dead set on taking Karin as an Uchiha bride and all through the breakfast, she tried to convince her and Kushina for another marriage. Nagato managed to escape her clutches, saying that he had a marriage coming in a few months.

Fugaku and Minato talked about their clans' cooperation in the future. They decided to exchange warriors so they could learn new techniques from a different point of view.

In the end, the talk ended up on the most important subject; heirs. The two families decided that Sasuke and Naruko should at least have two sons, one to rule Uchiha and one to rule Uzumaki in the future.

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