Dating you?

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Sasuke smiled at his wife before kissing her forehead. "I think it's about time we retreat to our room."

Biting her lips, Naruko nodded.

Sasuke took Naruko's hand in his and guided them to their families. They talked to them once again and got their approvals before moving to the house. Naruko didn't dare to look up as they walked. Every single person knew what was coming next and they watched them go with approving smiles on their faces.

Naruko wasn't exactly prepared for this. She had pushed away the physical part of their relationship away when she thought of getting married. But now, she was standing right beside their bed and all she could think of was what to say to avoid the inevitable.

Sasuke could see Naruko shaking like a leaf and he didn't like it, not at all. Everything needed time to happen and Sasuke was a patient man.

"Can I see your face?" Sasuke asked softly.

Naruko only nodded and let Sasuke take off her veil that was covering her from the eyes of the world.

Sasuke loosened the ties of Naruko's white veil and let it drop on the floor. His breathing stopped but he didn't mind as his wife looked up to him with soft eyes.

She had a round face and full, pink lips that made Sasuke think of things he had forgotten long ago. She had a cute snub nose and her eyes looked more beautiful without any hindrance. But what made her face so unique and outstanding was the three lines against each plump cheek.

Sasuke didn't think of it too much and started caressing the whisker-like lines in awe.

"Th-They are birth marks," Naruko explained, her trembling never stopping. "My Lady was the jinchuriki before me, s-so, the demon chakra affected me in her womb."

Sasuke nodded. "Will our son have these as well?"

"P-Probably," Naruko gave a nod.

Sasuke smiled softly. He cupped Naruko's cheeks and kissed her forehead lingeringly. "Don't wear veils anymore, let the world see your beauty."

"R-Really?" Naruko blinked a few times, liking the thought of not covering her face anymore.

"Yeah," Sasuke smirked softly, his mate's innocence was hurting his heart so good. "Am I not your Lord now?"

"Yes," Naruko said softly, her cheeks blushing deeply.

"Then I say it's okay not to wear it now," Sasuke said.

"Thank you!" Naruko gasped happily.

Sasuke smiled before kissing Naruko's soft, plump cheeks. His wife's tremors were getting worse, Sasuke noticed. So, he took her in his arms tightly.

"It's okay," Sasuke whispered into Naruko's ear. "I promised to take care of you, didn't I?"

Naruko nodded against Sasuke's shoulder quickly.

"Don't worry," Sasuke whispered. He tilted Naruko's head and pressed his lips against Naruko's sweet ones.

Naruko's eyes widened but she did nothing to stop Sasuke. She was rather surprised when her husband let go of her and walked to the bed. Above the headboard, Sasuke's swords were placed. He took a wakizashi from its stand and opened the bed sheets with his free hand.

"Sasuke?" Naruko gasped as Sasuke cut his palm with the sharp blade without hesitation. Her husband opened his palm and let his blood taint the snow white sheets.

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