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"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" I screamed.

"Amber are you okay?" Mandy asked, looking at me worriedly. I looked around frantically and sighed as I saw my office. I looked down and grimaced at the drool covered desk. I wiped my eyes and the corner of my mouth which had dried up saliva and wiped away the drool on the desk.

I looked at Mandy and sighed, running a hand through my already messed up hair.

"That bad huh?" She asked. I only nodded my head and thumped my head across the desk. It's been going like this for the past five days and I couldn't stop it.

All these dreams were making me crazy. Who knew I'd go as far as to dream about a future with my boss. I wasn't even his secretary for God's sake!

"I should really stop dreaming about this stuff. It's only getting worse. I'd be damned if it actually happened." I grumbled.

We heard a door slam and an angry red head namely, Lola Saunders, who was also Ethan or rather, Mr. Parker's REAL assistant came stomping down the hall. All eyes were on her as she walked towards her office. She was shoving anyone who was in her way and she looked fuming. Like she'd burst any second now.

Since her office was see-through, all eyes watched her as she roughly grabbed box after box from under her desk and shove her things inside.

Oh fuck she was fired?! Yes! That bitch was finally getting it! Everyone gasped as she started calling someone on her phone and slammed the boxes down her table.

Another door slammed open and the man of my dreams himself was calmly walked through the halls. He looked calm and collected the way he was walking but his eyes held a different story. They were fiery and it made him look sexy and rugged. Especially with that stubble on his jaw.

Everyone quickly moved out of his way as he made his way to Lola's office and he crossed his hands as he talked to her. They were shouting so much but you couldn't hear it since the door was locked and her office was sound proof.

I looked around and saw that everyone was on their best behaviour. They were trying to impress the boss so that hey might be able to get the assistant job. They'd be fools not to impress him. Everyone wanted that job. The salary was high and you get to be with the boss almost everyday. Any sane woman would practically beg for that job even the guys were behaving like a bunch of goody-goody children. Getting that assistant job was what I've been wanting for the past three years that I worked. Not only was the pay great but having to spend almost every day with this damn man would melt me.

Lola became fucking rich because of this job. Too bad she got fired. I wonder what she did to get fired. Maybe Ethan finally got tired of her useless seducing and just got rid of her . She's been after the boss for who knows how long. She was already pouncing on him like a cat when I started working here. Poor Ethan.

I watched intently as Lola started throwing things at Ethan which he deflected easily. She was yelling at him like a maniac and he just looked bored and exhausted.

Finally, she stomped out of her office, face flushed and fuming.

"I hope you die in hell, asshole!" She screamed.

"Just get out of the building" Ethan said as calmly as he could. I could see he was trying to keep his rage in but he couldn't go rampaging in front of his employees. Lola flipped him off and stomped towards the elevator, nose held high.

I looked back at Ethan, shocked. Lola must've been in deep shit. We locked eyes for a moment and I blushed, looking away. I'm already a bumbling idiot when I talked to him so I should just steer clear of him.

"You may continue your work everyone." I quickly sat back in my chair when he spoke, "Except you Miss Smith" he added. Everyone looked at me with jealousy in their eyes.

Steer clear, my ass.

"Come with me, Miss Smith" I gulped and glanced at Mandy, she nodded her head and motioned for me to go along. I quietly followed him and closed the door behind me as we walked through his office. He took a seat on his damn chair and poured himself some scotch before leaning back against his chair. I took a seat on the opposite chair and cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Is everything alright, sir?" Gosh, my voice is way too high-pitched.

"Yes, everything's fine. I asked you here because I want you to take Lola's place as my assistant" his voice was husky as he said it. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets and the mention of me being his assistant.

"Me? Y-your assistant?' I squeaked out. He chuckled and I blushed, profusely.

"Unless, of course you're declining my offer? I could always ask Miss Amanda Jarkins." He shrugged.

"No! No, I accept, sir. It would be my pleasure" I hastily said.

"Good, you can start packing your things now and start arranging your office which was Lola's old one, understood?" He asked, sternly.

I nodded and gave a quiet, "Yes, sir" I stood up and walked to my office when I heard my phone ring.

At the corner of my eye, I could see Ethan checking his phone too. I checked my messages and found out it was from Mandy.

I groaned, I didn't even realise Ethan groaned too.

"Stupid blind date" We grumbled in unison. I gasped and looked back at him. We stared at each other, our eyes wide.

Well, what do you know?



Hey guys! Yes! It's finally done! Bet you didn't see that coming! hahaha I had this planned already since you know, Amber is one of those daydreaming lucky girls. So you get the idea.

Buh-bye!!!! This is the last time I'm sayin' this on this book. I'm not like those authors who give long ass speeches so I'll stick to this.

Don't forget to vote/comment/share!!!!!


Blind Dates and a BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora