Chapter 4

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You know that time when you only have one person left that really matters to you and fate takes that person away from you?

That's how I felt right now.

Of course, my Mom wasn't dead. God, please don't let her be dead.

It's just what I'm feeling. A gut feeling more like it.

The hospital's walls were white and the stench of medicine and whatever other stuff that's in here were filling my nose and I wanted to barf. I never did liked hospitals. I know it's the place where women give birth and it's also the place where many people get to live more but it's also the place where people die. That thought alone made my stomach quesy.

I practically ran towards the reception area and hastily demanded, "I need to know where Michelle Smith's room is" I was panting like crazy and she did me a once over. When she saw my work clothes she probably thought I was someone worth knowing for money and did her best to give a genuine smile. She just looked constipated, I tell you.

"She's in room 210. It's upstairs on-" God, I know this place like the back of my hand. Why did I even ask for the room number? Before she could finish, I cut her off.

"I know where it is" I could never forget that room. It's always the room Mom gets. She said she liked it. It was the only thing she liked in this damn hospital.

I ran for the elevator and did my best not to pound on the buttons. Sometimes these elevators ticked me off. I reached the floor and ran for it, searching for the room number.

"206....... 207....... 209........ Aha! 210! Finally!" I shouted. Nurses, doctors, and even patients looked at me weirdly and I blushed crimson red.

"Amber Genievive Smith! That better be you!" I sighed with relief. She was perfectly fine. I put on a smile and opened the door. There she was in her all her glory. Her blonde hair strewn across the pillow she was rested. Her face red from shouting. And a really, really big smile.

"Hey Mom..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. She had this mischievous smile that means she either found something juicy to gossip or if she has a plan.

"Don't you 'Hey, Mom' me! How come you didn't tell me you were on a date?" She raised her eyebrows. I laughed quietly and walked over to sit next to her near the bed.

"I didn't get to tell you because my date ended at one in the morning and I didn't want to wake you up. Plus, I had work so I was a little bit groggy until the nurse called" I explained, smiling softly. At the mention of 'nurse' she frowned.

"I can't believe she actually called you. I didn't want you to come here and worry you but no! She just had to call you!" She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's okay , Mom. I'm glad she called and I'm glad you're okay. But please Mom try to take care of yourself okay? I promise when I've saved enough money, I will move here and find some work or something." I really wanted to stay with my Mom but I had work and I wanted to save as much as I can to last me and my Mom when I move back here.

"No! You are mot moving just because of me! I want you to be independent just like you are now! I don't want you to lose that job just to take care of me" She shouted, throwing her arms up in the air.

"But Mom-" I tried to protest but she cut me off.

"No. I am not letting you quit your job in the city. I don't want to argue with you, honey, but I can see you belong in that city. With all the bustling crowds and traffic. Me? I belong here in my home. And if I'm about to die, I want to die here" She said in a calmer voice. I felt tears stung my eyes but I blinked them back.

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