Chapter 7

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Okay... So I kinda decided that I'll make this a short story, probably ten or something chapters. Video is of Lindsey Stirling's Master Of Tides. Gosh I love her! Violin can never be boring to me again... No offense to other violinists! I was just saying that her music is very amazing and I can never get bored. Not even when there aren't lyrics. I was listening to this while I wrote this chapter. Hope you like it!

"Luke!" I screamed. I ran to Ethan's side and frantically searched his face. He had a split lip and a bruise on his on the bottom of his lips. I turned to Luke and glaed at him.

"What the hell, Luke? That's my boyfriend!" Ethan tugged my hand and I looked down at him.

"It's okay, Amber. I'm fine" We stood up and I smacked Luke on the back of his head. Luke looked pretty embarrassed.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his head.

"That was for punching Ethan. Now, let's go inside." Me and Ethan walked ahead of Luke and Chrissie, who smacked his head again.

"Is it just me or is it Smack Luke Day?" He grumbled.

"Do you have any idea who you just punched?" Chrissie asked. Luke shook his head, "That was Ethan Parker, you idiot, he has his own shipping company!" Chrissie informed him with a glare. Luke gulped and swore.

Me and Ethan laughed and walked through the front door holding hands. The kids were playing inside with their toys and their grandma was reading a book. Cassie was the first to see me and jumped up.

"Aunt Ami! Come play! You can bring him too!" She all but shouted at us and pulled me and Ethan towards their play area.

"Maybe later, Cassie. We need to talk to your parents first. Why don't you and Matthew go to your room and unpack?" She shrugged and pulled her brother up and together they went upstairs with their bags. Luke and Chrissie came in with their other bags and Ethan helped them while I took some snacks. I placed them on the coffe table where everyone was seated.

Chrissie nudged Luke and he looked up, "Look man, I am so sorry. I thought you were some guy wo was hitting on my sister. I mean, you were out on the back and I kinda wasn't in my right mind. I'm kind of overprotective with her, you see" He explained.

Ethan nodded and smiled, holding the ice pack over his lip, "It's okay really. I would've done the same thing for my sister." They exhanged a few words and were soon in a conversation about baseball. Typical men.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Chrissie and asked excitedly as I held her hands, "How far along are you now?"

"Six and a half months!" She squealed.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" I asked. She chuckled and smiled.

"We don't know actually. We wanted it to be a surprise." She told me. I nodded and looked around the living room. Everyone in this room was special to me. I love all of them. Just like they love me as well.

Wait, did I just discreetly say I love Ethan? Oh shit! I'm in way too deep.

Maybe after all this time I got to know him not just as my boss but also my boyfriend, I got to know there was more to him than meets the eye. He can be kind and sweet as candy but strong when you need someone to hold onto you as tightly as you want him to hold you while you weep. Not to mention, his charms.

"Aunt Ami?" A child's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at Matthew. He was seriously a cute little angel. Too bad he's going to grow up soon.

"Yes, sweety?" I asked. He pointed towards the top cupboard and said, "Can you please take the cookies jar? I don't want to fall and you're really tall" He was giving me a very cute face how could I resist? He may be ten years old but he's still my little nephew.

"Of course, sweety. Come on, I'll help you" I held his hand as we walked to the kitchen. I took out a chair and he looked at strangely. I knew he was scared of heights even when it wasn't that high. But I plan to change that.

"What's with the chair Aunt Ami?" He asked. I smiled at him and gestured towards the chair.

"Go on. You can do it. It's not that high, I'll hold you." I offered. He shook his head, scared.

"I don't want to Aunt Ami. I'm afraid of heights remember?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"The only way to not be afraid heights is to face it" A voice said behind me. I smiled knowing exactly who it was. Ethan. I turned towards him and gave him a bright smile, "Now, me and your Aunt Ami will hold you and the chair while you take the cookie jar?" He asked. I turned to Matthew and he nodded his head reluctantly.

"Okay, let's do it!" I chirped. Ethan hoisted Matthew on the chair and it wobbled slightly. He held Ethan tightly for his dear life. I steadied the chair and smiled reassuringly to Matthew. Ethan pried Matthew's hands and placed them on the handle of the cupboard. Matthew quickly opened it and took the cookie jar before jumping down and smiling up at us.

"I did it, Aunt Ami! I did it! Thank you Uncle Ethan!" He said before running and laughing towards his sister telling her all that happened.

I stood there, shocked. It didn't even take long for Matthew to call him uncle when he just met him. Oh Ethan and his charms. Even a kid can't resist. I turned to Ethan and smiled.

"Thank you" I wrapped my arms around him and mumbled, "For helping him" He wrapped his arms around me and said, "No problem, love"

That night when we had dinner, it was mostly eating, talking, laughing, food fights and pure happiness. I could get used to this.


Hey guys! So! Wha'dya think? Tell me what you think about Luke and his family! Story advertising's cool here!

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