Chapter 9

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I am so sorry for not updating!! Just one more chapter left! Until the epilogue!!! Hahaha I wanted it to be short since I have a new story in mind.

Here ya go!


"We're both pregnant!" Me and Mandy said in unison. I looked at Ethan in anticipation and waited for his reaction. He was smiling widely and before I knew it, I was scooped up in his arms and he was spinning me around.

I laughed loudly as he screamed, "I'm gonna be a father!" Everyone laughed at his reaction and we looked at Mandy and Edward. Edward's jaw was wide open as if he couldn't actually believe what Mandy just said. He stayed silent until Mandy huffed and crossed her arms.

"Why can't you be like Ethan and sweep me off my feet!?" She complained.

Edward just said, "Holy Shit" to which everyone, including his fiancé, laughed at.

"Shocking news, bro?" Ethan asked Edward. Edward seemed to snap out of his trance and blinked before he strode towards Mandy and scooped her up bridal style and yelled at the top of his lungs, "I'm going to be the best dad ever!"

"Says who?!" Ethan yelled back.

"Me!" Everyone was laughing and wolf whistling at us and it was probably one of the best days of my life.

"I doubt that bro!" Ethan yelled. I was laughing hysterically at their antics. Ethan leaned in closer to me and whispered, "I have something to show you"

I raised my eyebrows and let him lead me away from the party. He took me to his car and drove but not before blindfolding me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He said, chuckling. I huffed and crossed my arms and waited patiently. It must've been twenty minutes when the car came to a halt. I heard the door open and Ethan's firm hand held my own and he got me out of the car then I heard the car door close.

"Open your eyes when I tell you" He whispered. I nodded my head excitedly. He took the blindfold off me but I kept my eyes closed just as instructed.

"Open them now" He said. I slowly opened my eyes and let it focus onthesight before me.

There sat a house. Not a mansion-like house but to me it was perfect for a little family. It was a two-storey house with cream walls. It had a white picket fence that was covered in vines with lots and lots of flowers. A garage and a wide backyard.

"Wanna check out inside?" Ethan asked.

"This is our house right? But what about the mansion?" I asked.

"This is our house and I may have donated the mansion to the orphans. They had to shut down the orphanage but most of them didn't found a family to adopt them, so I donated the mansion and payed for any of their expenses" My heart was moved by what he did. Helping orphaned children to find a perfect home, well in this case more then perfect home, is really touching. The children would have a home to go to before a family adopts them.

"That is really sweet you know that?" I turned to look at him and wrapped my arms around him before hugging him. He in turn wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Ready to go inside?" He asked. I nodded. He took my hand and together we went inside.

The interior had that home-y feeling I always want in a home. The living room had carpeted floors with cream colored walls and carpeted stairs, perfect for little kids. On one side, it had flat screen tv and midnight blue leather sofas and loveseats on either side. On the right side near the door it had a fireplace that was already stacked with photos of Ethan's family and mine and some photos with only us in it. It also had magazines and trinkets.

We walked towards the kitchen and opened the door. It had tiled walls and floors with all the kitchen appliances. Cupboards filled with canned goods and other presevative foods. Even the fridge was well stocked. Clean counters and kid safe stools were lined up. And the dining room had a long table with a cute chandelier lighting the table.

Next we went upstairs. It had a four rooms, looks like Ethan wants lots of kids... Oh the pain. We went to the master bedroom first. Red carpeted floors with a king sized bed with dressing tables on each side. A walk in closet on the left side and a door that led to the bathroom on the right side. The shower had a see-through glass door, a sink near it, and a bathtub that looks like an indoor pool.

We ventured towards the other two rooms that was made for our other kids, or so Ethan said. When we came to the door nearest to our bedroom, I eagerly opened it. Inside was a cute nursery. I nearly peed my pants with joy. Tears stung my eyes as I took in the sight before me.

"Oh Ethan! How-how did you know?" I asked.

"I saw the pregnancy test on the trash the other day. Plus, the morning sickness kind of gave it away." He shrugged and smiled at me.

The nursery had light green walls with cute animals painted on it and white picket fence paintings on the bottom of the walls. A yellow crib with green animals printed pillows and blankets neatly arranged inside. Light yellow dressers on one side and a rocking chair near the crib and a baby monitor on top of the dresser, a baby carrier beside it. There was also a stroller placed against the wall. What took my breath the most was the blue ceiling with glow in the dark stars that they formed into different shapes. It was as if looking at the night sky.

"Ethan, this is beautiful." Tears were flowing freely down my face as I held onto Ethan. He was holding me just as tight. "Did you do all these?" I asked, wiping my face.

"My mom helped me" He said, kissing my forehead.

"I hope Kara didn't tire herself." I frowned, worried. What, with Kara's leukemia, I was certainly afraid for the woman's health.

"Hardly. Although, she was enjoying bossing the people doing the actualy work. Mainly, me, Ed, and dad" He said, chuckling. I couldn't help but join in. Kara definitely was bossy.

"Have I told you, I love you lately?" He wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in closer.

"A few times" I shrugged, smiling widely.

"I love you, Mrs-soon-to-be-Parker" he whispered.

"I love you more" I whispered, our lips just a breath apart.

"Not possible" He whispered before he kissed me, melting me in his arms.



Hey yo!! So sorry for not updating... But don't worry! This book is almost done and you can wait no longer! Hahaha

Don't forget to vote/comment/share!!

Coconuts and kisses,


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