Chapter Five: Dinner Party: Part Two.

Start from the beginning


Everyone sat at the table talking about the towns false history as Raina ate her food silently, her eyes narrowing at John every once in a while who would shift under her gaze.

"Raina" her attention went to Elijah "what is your opinion on the founding of Mystic Falls?"

"Well" she set her glass of wine on the table licking her bottom lip "speaking freely, I don't believe that so-called founding families founded anything. This lands been here since the beginning of time and what with its hidden gems, I doubt this land had been unknown before Mystic Falls was founded" Elijah smiles slightly at the girl.

"You like history?" He asks curiously.

"Its not all good but yes" she nods a little "our history is what brings us to the present"

"Yes, it does" Elijah agreed with everyone watching the two. Raina showed a gentle smile and went back to eating her food finishing it off and sets the knife and fork on her plate together grasping her wine.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" John eyed the girl.

"Not when you're around, John" she raised the glass towards him and downed it "excuse me" she left the table taking her plate and glass to the kitchen. An annoyed breath left her as she grips she counter top trying to calm her nerves.

"Whats with you and Elijah?" Jenna gave her niece a look.

"What do you mean?" The teen frowns clearing her plate into the bin.

"The way he looks at you and how you look at him, you can't tell me there's nothing there"

"I'm just being polite, Jenna"

"When have you ever been polite to a complete stranger?" Raina scoffs at her aunts words.

"Since he got invited to dinner in my home" she told placing the plate in the sink and left the kitchen seeing just John and Alaric as Andy passed her going to Jenna. She was about to get between John and Alaric when her phone rings, taking it from her pocket she saw Stefan's name and answered it "Stefan?"

"John's trying to kill Damon" Raina's eyes met Alaric's making the history teacher frown at her followed by John "John gave him a dagger that kill's an original-"

"I'll handle it" she hung up on Stefan and nudged her head for Alaric to follow as she types on her phone showing the teacher as she and him made their way to the study, Raina saw Damon reaching for something when she arrived to the room but put her focus on Elijah who smiles "we forgot desert" she told "Elijah?" She held her out, Elijah's smile only grew as he passed the drink in his hand to Damon with out looking at him.

"Raina" he took her hand the two froze suddenly as a strong gust of wind swirled around, the flames of the fireplace grew higher making Damon and Alaric jump but the two continued on like nothing happened, Elijah spun the teen around making her giggle so innocently that both Alaric and Damon stared at the girl stunned. If anyone else were there, anyone else in Mystic Falls at all, they claim she was possessed. Never in her life since the age of ten had Raina giggled "did I mention you look lovely, this evening?"

"You did not" she mused removing her hand from his.

"Hmm" he hums with an amused smile of his own. They returned to the dining table where Elijah pulled out the girls chair under the watchful eyes of the other's.

"Thank you"

"Of course" Elijah then took his seat besides her and sips his wine. Raina's eyes moved to John glaring harshly.

"Sorry, guys. Dessert is taking longer then I thought. I usually just unwrap food" even Raina chuckled at Jenna's words recalling the times Elena would complain about yet another take away. Jenna heads into the kitchen leaving the rest of the dinner party to talk.

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