Detention* - WM

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Fuck, fuck, fuck...

I'm late. Why did I decide to go to the library instead of art classroom as usual? I ran through corridors to the chemistry room for my next lesson. It's my last lesson and I want to go home instead of spending an hour with that Toad called Mr. Banner. I don't know what problems he has, but everyone who is late even one minute immediately has detention and needs to stay with him at least an hour. On his place, I'd do anything to be with my gorgeous wife as soon as possible. I'd probably never understand it. I storm into class, and before I can even say my apology, he cut me off.

'And look who decided to show up on my lesson.' I just roll my eyes, I really hate that man. 'You...'

'have detention. Yeah, I realized.' I finished and went at the end of class to take a seat. He huffed and went back to the lesson. At this point, we both know that arguments are useless. I'm not gonna change my attitude, and he will not decline my detention. After the next two minutes, I heard another knock on doors, and Wanda walked in, being even more late than me, I just smiled.

'Miss Maximoff, I'm so glad that we will spend so much time together on today's detention.' Redhead lowers her head and apologises quietly. 'Take a seat and I hope that's last time'.

Oh yeah, another stupid rule is that we need to take sit on front first, and the last benches are for students who walk last to class. No one really understands that rule because we always end up in different pairs for projects, and it's annoying. Wanda took a seat next to me and rolled her eyes. I can say that she doesn't like it, so I'm gonna enjoy it even more. The thing between us is weird and kinda hard to explain. We never talk to each other, accept times when I flirt with her, and she's pretending that she doesn't like that kind of attention. Also  she's cheerleader and I might fucked some girls from her team, but everything with their consent, and it's another thing that piss her off. I just like to be pain in her ass, because I find it funny when she gets angry.

'Don't you think that lenght of your skirt is inappropriate?' I asked, looking her up and down. She never wear skirts, except the shows, so it's new.

'Fuck off pervert.' She hissed and I smirk at her.

'Who you want to please?' She send daggers on me. 'I can guess. It's the same person who gave you the hickey.' I point at her shown cleavage. She panicked and closed buttons from her shirt. I moved towards her my chair and leaned a little to whisper to her ear. 'Naughty girl, being late because of encounter in a bathroom.' She shivered slightly, so I took that opportunity to place my hand on her lap.

'What are you doing?' She whispered but didn't do anything to stop me. I wonder if she's that worked up from Vision or if it's only me with that power.

'You can stop me whenever you want.' I moved my hand higher and under her skirt. My fingers made goosebumps appear on her thigh.

'We're in class.' She warned but still didn't stop my hand. I looked at Banner to see him completely occupied by some chemical equastion.

'Is it turning you on?' I asked and already know the answer when her thighs twitched. 'Don't panic, Darling, I can take care of you. Plus, only someone behind us can see what's under the table.' I slowly reached her pants, and before doing anything more, I looked at her for consent.

'Maybe Miss Maximoff can answer.' I heard my "favorite" teacher and felt my hand being trapped between Wanda's legs. I looked at  the lackboard and leaned on the floor to pick a pen, which I obviously dropped second before.

'Saccharose' I whisper to girl, and she repeated it without second thought.

'Please look at the board.' Banner said and turned to continue. My attention came back to my hand, which made contact with very wet pants. I straightened up and smirked, trying to move one finger against material, which wasn't the easiest. Wanda took sharp inhale after my action. She slowly separated her legs again to give me better access. Her head turned towards me, and our eyes met. She's so fucking turned on, her eyes are darker than before and I can clearly see lust in them. Before I could do anything, bell rang, ended the lesson. She almost sprinted out of the classroom, but Toad stopped her.

'And where are you going, Miss Maximoff? You have detention, remember?' She huffed but obeyed and turned to go back. 'I think we can stay here today, take a seat.' She looked at me questionable. Right, she doesn't know that I was late too. That old man looked at his phone and smiled. 'I need to go.' I stand up immediately before he can change his mind. 'No, no, you're staying. I will tell the janitor about it and ask him tomorrow at what time you left.' You need to be kidding me.

'You can't leave us alone here.' I protest, no way that I'm staying. My favorite janitor Dean has a morning shift this week, so I can't even bribe Martin because he's too honorable to lie.

'You're staying, or you'll have more problems than just detention. One hour and not single minute less.' With that, he left. I fell on the chair, at least his wife would have some good time. I heard how Wanda turned the key in doors, and my head snapped towards her.

'That means we're alone.' I smirk and pat my laps. She got the signal, walking to me. 'Come on, I'm not gonna bite until you're interested in that stuff.' She sits on my lap facing me and giving me very good access to her core. 'That outfit suits you. I think you should wear skirts more often.'

'Just to be clear, I don't want to be on your stupid list.' She said while I put my hands on her hips, laughing. People are crazy sometimes.

'I don't have any list. It's just rumors.' She blushed slightly. 'I know that my reputation is not the best, but at least I'm not a virgin as this asshole.' 'Vision?' 'Something like that. I know how to please woman.' I kissed her, and she tuggled her hands to my hair. I brought her closer to me, forcing my tongue into her mouth, not that she tried to stop me. She started fighting for domination but quickly lost. My hands moved on her bare thighs, towards where she needed me the most. We separated to inhale some air, and she smiled.

'You're jealous.' 'In your dreams, Darling.' I put my finger on her pants but didn't move it. 'You're soaked.' 'Stop teasing' I smirked in response. You're not the one making rules here, Maximoff. 'Magic word' She looked at me, if only look can kill. I added some pressure on her clit until she whimpered.

'Please, I need you'

'Oh God, you're sexy when you beg.'

I started slowly circle her clit with one finger. She throw her head on my shoulder while I continue my sweet torture and listen to all her noises. She's so sensitive, at this point when I barely touched her. I moved unnecessary material on the side and slid my fingers through her folds, collecting some wetness.

She's taken back when I took my hand away from her, and she looked at me concerned. I put my fingers to my mouth while her eyes were fixated on me. I moan quiet at her taste, and she tried to close her legs together, but I prevented her from doing it. 'You taste amazing.' I kissed her deeply, putting my hand back to her core. Without warning, I buried two fingers in her, and she moaned into my mouth. I waited a moment so she can used to the feeling. I'm pretty sure that she's not a virgin, but I still don't want to hurt her. When her hips moved a little, I slowly started thrusting in her. She squirmed at my pace, so I picked it up, and her head came back on my shoulder. With my other hand, I grounded her to be sure that she's not gonna fall on the floors. I curled my fingers inside her and fixed angle to find her spot. She started to be louder and louder, and I love all the noises she's giving me. My thumb moved on her clit to add more pleasure.

'Daddy, I'm close.' She moaned to my ear, I don't have daddy kink, but she can call me whatever she wants. I'm just gonna play along.

'Cum for Daddy as a Good Girl you are.' I pulled her to passionate kiss while my thumb added more pressure on her clit and my pace became faster than ever. I swallowed all sweet noises when she came undone on my hand. My pace slowed to prolong her orgasm, and I pulled out my fingers when she calmed down completely. I bring my hand towards my mouth and clean them from all her juices. She looked amazed by my action. When I'm done, she pulled me to another kiss, which she moaned into, probably from tasting herself on my tongue.

'You were right.' I have no idea what she's talking about. 'You can please woman.' I smiled like a child who just got lolipop they wanted.

'And you have daddy kink.' Before she can say something sarcastic, our heads snapped to the sound of someone trying to open doors, not in a very gently way. My eyes went wide when I saw Mr. Rogers with Ms. Romanoff kissing like world doesn't exist through small window in the wood and how their bodies moved in sync away when they couldn't get inside the classroom. 'That's not their first time.' I said, and Wanda just looked at me shocked. 'What?'

'How do you... You know what, never mind. We should just go.' I nodded, and we headed to the exit.


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