Desire - CD

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I'm in the middle of cigarette when I hear footsteps and see Carol aproach me.

'You look hot when you smoke.' She looked me up and down. Honestly, it's nothing to look at today, I was so tired in the morning, and my outfit is just boring, even for my lazy ass.

'Only when I smoke?' I smirk and pull her closer by wrapping my hand around her waist. Carol and I are fuck-buddies, something like friends with benefits, but I wouldn't consider our relationship as friends anymore. I don't know what happened, but she seems distanced for the past few weeks, and when I tried to talk to her, she always cut me with a kiss, and we ended up in bed. It's frustrating because we agreed to be open about everything. Especially our feelings, cause either of us don't want to hurt each other.

'Not only.' She whispered and leaned to kiss me, but I stopped her. She looked at me confused, but I first finished cigarette and threw it away.

'We need to talk. You can't avoid it forever.' Her gaze dropped at her feet. I placed a finger under her chin and lifted it up, so she needed to look at me. 'What's this all about, sweetheart? You can tell me anything. I promise I will not be mad at you.' I reassured her and gave her a small peck to give some confident boost. Since our first meeting, she's submissive towards me, and as much as I love it, now I need her "everyday" self to show up.

'I met someone.' God, why are you so shy? It's turning me on.

'That's amazing, whose the lucky girl?' I smile, and her expression changed to shock. 'Come on, Carol, we're still friends after all. I mean, yeah we fucked few times and I really enjoy to have you under me, but we both now that it's just sex. We'd be terrible couple.' She giggles a little. 'Whole school call me fuck boy, I'm not good in relationships and if you found someone I'll be there to support you as a friend, nothing more.' For me it's platonic, she should know that.

'It's Val.' she blurted and my smile grew bigger. 'I was worried how you will reacted. I really love you as a friend, and I don't want to lose you.' We heard a bell, but I ignore it and just hug her.

'Oh, baby birl, it's not that easy to get rid of me. Plus, I want you to be happy.' I'm taller than her, so I just kissed her forehead and squeezed her body a little.

'We should go.' She smiled, and I nodded in agreement.

'Just remember, if she hurt you, I'm gonna kill her.' I said with serious tone before we went in different ways to our classrooms.
Three weeks later...
I'm hungry! My pizza should have been here an hour ago. It's Saturday, my parents are out on some business trip and I'm way too lazy to prepare any food for myself, so now I'm starving. Ugh, I growl and throw my hands in the air. My frustration grows even bigger when I look at my phone to see notification from Bucky. It revealed boomerang of him in the club with some whore grinding on him and note "You could use some relief". That's true, past week was so stressfull for me. School, Carol stopped talking to me, I got into a fight and ended up at the police station twice. Almost like the whole universe want to say "Fuck you". My plans for today was chill, but that fucking pizza man...

Ding ding - Finally!

When I opened door I wasn't ready to see terrified Carol. I immediately hugged her and took inside, closing doors behind us. I led her to the couch and let her cry in my arms until she slightly calmed down. I put some blond hairs behind her ears and looked questionable at her face to see if she's not injured. She seems fine, accepts red, puffy eyes, strain of tears on the cheeks, and trembling body.

'Do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened?' I asked carefully and watch how she reacted, already planning murder on a person who did it to her.

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