Chapter three ~ Forgive the unforgiven

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I was anxious and nothing could help me. I checked on Achilles and Neoptolemus, who were peacefully sleeping. I looked at Neoptolemus. He had grown to be a fine young man who has let the past behing him. He reminded me of Achilles when we were young. I had started to like this kid and feel proud of him like he is my own son. Sure, I didn't like him at first and he sure hated me, but now things were fine between us. Achilles said he would be the one to talk to Briseis, so that meant I had to go talk to Hades. I wasn't afraid of him anymore and I felt much better knowing my partner had trusted me to discuss a matter concerning his child with the scariest of all the gods. I calmed down and went to sleep again, only to get shaken by Neoptolemus to wake up half an hour later.

- Wake up, he whispered, wake up, we're gonna be late.

- Fine, stop shaking me, I whispered, trying not to wake Achilles up.

- I'm going outside, he said. Don't be late.

I got up and wore my best clothing. I kissed Achilles's forehead and closed the door silently behind me. I went outside only to be shocked: Neoptolemus had dressed formal. Not only that, but he had let gis hair down and now he looked exactly like his father, no one could spot a difference. Well, except for his eyes, Achilles had green eyes and Neoptolemus had blue. Anyone from far away would believe it was Achilles. I couldn't stop staring at him.

- Patroclus, what are you looking at?

- Nothing, I said quickly. You changed something?

- Just let my hair down, he said. Ready to go?

- Sure, I said. Do you remember the way?

- Yeah, it's been seven years but I think I got it, he said laughing.

We walked together towards the black and red building everyone was afraid of. Neoptolemus stood Infront of me, turned his back to me and cleared his throat.

- Hades, he shouted, Hades!

Hector, Hector! I could hear the rage in his voice, he was determined to kill Hector and humiliate him. He took away the most precious thing Achilles had.

I was stunned of how much he resembled his father, even at that time. I shook my thoughts away when Hades appeared at his balcony.

- Neoptolemus, Patroclus, what a surprise! How can I help you guys?

- Hades, I said, as it is nice to see you we don't come here to chat like old friends. Some people are whispering about Neoptolemus getting vanished, care to explain?

- Well, he gulped, that's true. Some girl from Troy said he killed her and tried to force her to do things that she didn't want and I got some gods to confirm this. I am not happy to do this, Neoptolemus, but that girl has been right. You deserve a punishment and she thinks that by vanishing you, all her problems will be solved.

- I explained the situation to Patroclus and my father, he said. Both Patroclus and my father have been super understanding, I explained myself clearly and I do not deny that I did those things. But as you know, my grandmother had been wanting to turn me into what she thought my father had to be, he said tearing up. She turned me into a cruel monster, Hades, I hated myself for every single bad thing I did and honestly, sometimes I wish I was never born, I even think that my father just tolerates me because abandoning me would ruin his reputation, he said bursting into tears. Please, don't vanish me, Hades, I'm begging you, he said in his tears. Please, let me be here with my dad and Patroclus.

- Hades, I told him, he's saying the truth. He has spoken to me and Achilles and we are both understanding of the situation. You of all people would have to be more understanding, because you saw what a mess I became when that bit-, I mean Thetis, came and took Achilles with her. This child here is the son of a semigod and a great warrior, but most of all he is just nineteen years old and he is still learning from his mistakes, I said. You didn't vanish me for the people I killed in the war, neither Achilles for dragging Hector around when he finally killed him. Why Neoptolemus has to be vanished for killing someone while being under his grandmother's magic or something? And even though when we die we apologize for our sins and swear to live here quietly for the whole eternity, vanishing Neoptolemus is just unfair. We were her friends, you know. And even though we're sad that she was killed, we're understanding of the mistake Neoptolemus made. Don't vanish him, I said silently, Achilles would be crashed and I would suffer to see Achilles sad and Neoptolemus not existing anymore. I consider him a son of mine, Hades, don't do this to us.

- Okay, Hades said, done crying, kiddo? Patroclus, I can see it in your eyes that you're both honest. Even though you almost called a goddess a bitch although she is indeed a bitch, I can say that I'm aware of what has happened and I decided not to vanish Neoptolemus. Now tell me, Neoptolemus, did your grandma dearest make you do all those things without your consent?

- Yes, he said. I was twelve years old and fighting in the war, when other kids my age hadn't completed their education yet. My grandmother failed to turn my father into a god, the best of them all and when she learned that I exist, she worked with what she had left of him. She told me that I don't get to choose between becoming a god or dying young, I had to fight in the war and if I didn't get killed, she would make me a god. But when I died, she told me that I should be ashamed that I dishonored my father, but now I know that both me and my father are better off without her.

- Before you leave, I need you to do one thing for me, Neoptolemus, Hades said. Turn around, both of you.

Behind us was standing Briseis, next to a worried looking Achilles. He gave us a smile while she looked at Neoptolemus with fear.

- Hi, Neoptolemus said. I didn't expect you to be here.

- I basically begged her, Achilles said. Hades said that it would be nice if you two talked about what happened and agree on a solution. Hades will supervise you so you can feel more comfortable, Briseis.

- Patroclus, Hades said, you and Achilles can leave, let those two talk and I will send your kiddo over later.

Me and Achilles left, waving goodbye at Neoptolemus and Briseis. While outside, Achilles looked at me with a worried face.

- Will he vanish him? My gods, help my child, he said panicked.

- Relax, I told him. Your son is good at talking, Hades teared up when he spoke to him. He's a good kid, I said. He isn't in danger.

Achilles kissed me and hugged me tight. He gave one last look at Hades's castle, took my hand and started walking away.

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